
aren’t all planes that fly required to have a flight plan? Why can’t they just look that up? Also, what about finger prints on the instruments and door of the plane? Of course someone faked their missing/death here.

Only reason i don’t have a GS is because i can’t afford it now with all the students loans and just starting my career and such but otherwise, it is one of my favorite practical vehicles.

I think you meant rogues shape and muranos convertible. i agree on everything you said here.

Am i the only one that ignores and refuses to get into the hypes of concepts? The production model never looks like the concept, they remove all the nice features shown in the concepts during production. For example, sliding doors, those rims, those would not make it. In other concepts, we have seen digital

Not a big fan of self driving cars but if anyone asked me what is wanted in a self driving car, i would say:

Yes you may buy a civic. No you may not add rims, tow hooks, subwoofers, camber the shitz out of it, put those massive sub woofers, put that fart cannon, and no drifting. Basically.. when you drive.. just drive.. like a normal human being.

I like spyker but i dont agree with their price even though their interior is fancy. How many cars does spyker sell that they are a profitable business?

“Fake news!” “Fake Media”.. Fake this.. fake that... you know what! You are a FAKE PRESIDENT... what now?

We need a Deer Crossing sign at all airports that may experience Deer Crossings.

I had a 2002 Lexus IS300 that i bought in 2011 (my very first car) and i just sold it Sept 2016. I miss it dearly. I had 200k miles on it, check engine light that would not go away but it still ran smooth and fast. I wish and hope i find a car similar in handling and speed. The third gear pull was the best!

I would play it if there was player to player interaction but then i would have to find players that would like to play. Another thing is the scarcity of where some pokemon are. People were hacking to be in Sanfran or LA or NY because you can stand anywhere and win, in some suburbs, you get bored easily.

Cool Aston Martin Prototype!


Microwave charging my phone.. did not work.. now i need new pants

He says this but doesnt give an example how.. i feel like he states general facts without actually knowing what that person did to change the world and the society around them.


How long has that been up there? It looks like for a while... abandoned billboard?

It is because they see the “all cars sold in usa should be made in usa” ordeal and do not want to bother with it if the rest of the world is ready to buy their cars.

I didn’t know the prius can go fast enough to do that...

Look at that cup!