Saab wagon is best wagon-now with less Saab

I played quiz bowl in high school in Minnesota, and I remember there was a poster in a classroom in one of the other schools we had to visit of very young KG sitting in a gym with a bunch of kids. The slogan on the poster was “Shoot hoops - Not each other!”. I’ve never wanted to steal something so badly in my life. It

One of my favourite things about athletes discussing mental health is that it hopefully shuts up those people who think depression isn’t real, that if only you’d exercise more you’d be fine. I fucking hate those people. I don’t take medication, nor did I undergo several rounds of ECT, because I don’t like jogging,

Just taking this opportunity to give a biiiiigggg ole fuck you to the asshole “teammates” of Love’s who dumped on him when he was going through a rough time.

Major anxiety sufferer. I had a panic attack during a very important work meeting. His candor is appreciated.

Just start shooting people instead of baskets and half the country will yell about mental health for a week.

Because they are perpetually behind Ford and GM by about 10 years in powertrain research and their product line is mostly stagnant. Their interiors lately have been impressive, though.

Well, he’s young, and may not have gotten his growth yet.

He looks like Cool Guy

It really looks like crappy CG from a late-90s B-movie about aliens. His feet shuffle and his shoulders twist, but his head and neck are completely level the whole time. I need a GIF of it.

I hope he’s fine healthwise.. Gigantism typically comes with a bunch of health problems and he seems so thin, too.

Acura was founded in 1986. Lexus and Infiniti were both founded in 1989. All three Japanese brands ( Honda, Toyota, Nissan ) and others ( Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Subaru and Isuzu ) were well established and successful in the US market by that time. WWII had nothing to do with it either.

Also as an aside not even your weird ‘better hide the fact they’re Japanese because we’re racist’ brands like Infiniti or Acura.

What American cars?

Or the American cars made in Canada.

I wonder if he is aware of the European cars made in Spartanburg, SC, Vance, AL, and Chattanooga, TN?

I’m a big fan of the biblical punishment.

Stealing someone’s car is super-shitty, but maybe we could find some middle ground? Like, chop their pinkie off and have their parents give them stern, disapproving looks?

Hey I’m wishing for the most gentle of the outcomes that came to mind.

I hope whoever stole it gets colon cancer and dies shitting blood while his family laughs.