Exactly. In all of our cars. I also slip one into cars going on a test drive if the customer looks sketchy. This helped me get a Golf GTi back once.
Exactly. In all of our cars. I also slip one into cars going on a test drive if the customer looks sketchy. This helped me get a Golf GTi back once.
Hmmm, TurboX eh! Sold eight of those. Nice.
I can imagine the JEEP tax on the replacements, maybe $300 a pair?
Parts of Australia have mobile camera that detect phone use (also lack of seat belt wearing) and the fine in $1000 in Queensland, they also pick up people eating ice creams at times. They are making a fortune.
I used to do long road trips, over 2000 miles not stop, except for fuels. Now days I’m lucky to do the 40 mile drive to work without falling asleep ...
Beautiful interior, though the grey steering wheel isn’t to my liking.
I think this looks more like the Kia than the Lucid does.
And US consumer affairs departments / government need to bring in regulations to stop this sort of crap. It’s a joke.
It’s more about the dicks set loose on the track thinking they are Rosemeyer. You can be cruising around quite safely and get cleaned up by said out of control dick. Safest to park in the nearby field and just watch. An enterprising German even has his chip truck (Pommeswagen?) set up there too.
I know my work contract has a clause that states if I cause the business to make a loss then they have the right to compensation. This is in lots of work contracts. I haven’t seen it acted upon yet. An employer is also responsible for an employees actions unless they are negligent.
I just bought an AMG A45 from a homeless guy who lived in it. He was also rather fond of ice.
Think that might have been a 300E in ‘86.
Sooo, who got screwed here?
Simple copy and paste then shift F3.
“Its elegant and effective and you never felt like you needed a shower after.”
The go to motor at the time was the 2000 cc Lancia.
Doubt it, dealer registration would most likely trigger sale notice.
If Ford is building it, isn’t it owned by Ford?
So what is new about this then?