
Hairy Caray Perry.

"President Trump would regularly call me into the Oval Office to watch the film 'Bloodsport' on DVD with him. He would always fast forward through the talking parts and go right to the training montages and fight scenes. Every once in a while he'd completely pause the film and ask me if 'the touch of death' was a real

He gains the ability to remove his own brain through his nose with a corkscrew.

"Honey, I was just making french fries! Honest!"

What a bunch of stupid bullshit. How arrogant he'd assume he'd even be capable of destroying someone's belief in love.

They had a lot of moral victories.

He probably gets sick of all the "Leaving Las Vegas" jokes whenever he visits. That would make me grumpy too.

She's also a token conservative woman who outlived her usefulness.

I think people forget that impeachment is a political process, and the current congress isn't going to pull the trigger unless Trump strangles a guy to death on live TV, or tries to implement universal health care.

You probably weren't hungover enough when you tried it.

Those hard working dancing men are just trying to carve out their piece of the American Dream

Settle down Holden

I think huge problem is that the NRA used to be run by Elmer Fudd, but now it's in the hands of Yosemite Sam.

It's just a stupid way of saying "innovation".

What are mystery flavor Airheads made from? You guessed it: apple cores and old Chinese newspapers.

I remember in the third one where the voodoo lady grew really big and turned into a bunch of crabs, and I thought "wow, how much more neoliberal could you get Hollywood???".

Oh wow, I can't believe people didn't turn out in droves for a Baywatch re-make that stars TWO DUDES

I don't know, its kind of funny at least.

Libertarians are conservatives who want to smoke weed.

From the extreme drop off in the chart it looks more like they altered the way they got the data. Maybe there were a bunch of bots they took out of consideration.