
That’ll buff out.

GPS coordinates please. I’m feeling frisky.

Two words. LS swap.

2 words....LS swap


Our tax dollars at work.This boils down to her being butthurt for allegedly cut off.Fire her and pour him another coffee.

This needs some Benny Hill background music.

I take back the dick move comment.....because learning curve.He’s young. Plus he knows how to have fun.

Um the Del Ray is a four door. Slap yourself Bruh.

No matter what else happens in my life that sucks, at least I have 8 years of Liberal whining,tears,and gnashing of teeth to look forward to. So much win!

They’re going to make an example out of him.I don’t blame them. It’s a dick move on his part.They have deeper pockets than he does. They can drag this out till the cows come home.

This is why “Stance” should not be a thing.....

Two words.....LS swap.

Bravo! BMW called.......they’re jealous.

I agree 100%

It’s pronounced POR-SHA

You nailed it. Allegedly the real cop was black and the fake cop asked “ Do you realize how black you were driving?”

This post is somehow racist.

How many dash lights did you have on after that session?