the last place you should be asking for advice is Gizmodo. Get some counseling from a professional. It will help.
the last place you should be asking for advice is Gizmodo. Get some counseling from a professional. It will help.
Real men use INK.
Give me a ping.... one ping only Vasili
hehe.. ok.. i have to admit, it took me a few seconds to get your comment but it makes total sense :)
"each scene is comprised of hundreds of stills taken by him and his wife."
It had potential... in the first 2seconds.. sentiments exactly
I totally agree - especially with insurance challenge. I laughed till i almost soiled myself when they rigged James's cd player with that hardcore drum-and-bass track - haha!
You forgot to turn on your "Humor" Chip Data (Aka Zendax) :)
Be afraid,... be very afraid.
Reminds me of this. If you're impatient fast forward to 0:50 but all of it is funny :)
completely justified use of 4 parking spaces by one car (or one boat, or a car as big as a boat) IMO.
"Young teacher.... the subject... of school girl fantasies....
uhh... what the frack is he saying??!
"He tried to scare me to death"?
haha.. my thoughts exactly :)
G's experienced by real rally driving? NO-check. It's easy to sit with a force-feedback steering wheel and pedals but when your body is being thrashed about... it's quite another thing
The reason i think it sub-par is because it lacks originality. I've already seen all of the stunts they did this season with the UK bunch - filling a car with water, racing a helicopter, blah blah..