
@pmbaustin: i agree. Radiation and other things the sun emits would also be issues.

eh... i kinda like the mystery of NOT knowing how an artist created his/her masterpiece.

i find it illogical to analyze single frames of a restored MOVIE. Since you'll never watch a flip-book version of Predator, it would probably be best to critique the restoration based on actually watching the movie in its intended format. IMO.

@Mikster: Hmm.. sounds a lot like Episode I.

@betabiter13: perhaps, but that leads me to my recent logical conclusion - Nature Photography Workshop at a Petting Zoo.

@BishopNeo: I guess everybody gets distracted. I suppose if i was a Mythbuster i'd say it was Plausible.

@corre-Teddy-Corre: yes,.. especially when i was one of those kids. Sorry if i don't like being bamboozled :)

@Odin: i know you must have been dying to use the phrase "tinfoil hat paranoid" but, sorry, it doesn't apply whatsoever to my comments or the point i was making. Wit fail.

@kimchibrown: after reading responses, it occured to me that the photo might be part of Nature Photography Workshop with a few furry creatures.

@Weihovah: nothing in principal but i dislike that it's made to look like she was right in the middle of a shot and then "wamm-o" two furry creatures pounced. I don't mind staged photos that are realistic.

@tmronin: True, i do the same.. but not all photogs do.

@victorbello: if i thought you were serious i would.

@ravenosa: lol. hilarious Ravenosa. :)

I'm sorry, but (as a photographer) this photo makes absolutely no logical sense to me.

@MichaelS: Thanks for the links. What a cool hobby. If i had a kid, we would definitely be doing this together.

@who.else: I agree. I'm a professional photog and even though i've been known to spend up to 10hours shooting outside, the amount of power generated by the small solar cell strap would be miniscule.
