Foxtrot Alpha should not have been a success. A defense site on a car blog? Why the hell would anyone want to do…
What goes up must come down
The beauty of this revelation is that we have two legendary white players, from the Celtics, no less — revered for “playing the game the right way” during the sport’s golden era — valuing personal gain and money over whatever team goals their BLACK coach had drawn up. Brilliant.
What the hell am I doing with a bat in my hand? Get it out of here! [hic]
Ugh I fucking HATE how Jegs has to brand their shitty ass logo everywhere.
Good lord!! He still had a gear and a quarter to go!! I cringe at the thought of that cloud-like suspension and vague steering at those speeds though...
Wendell Scott was fast, but nothing came easy for him racing in the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s. Scott was the first…
I can’t wait to read the op-ed about how this happened because Cam Newton is a disrespectful football player.
Awww yisss
If he was even remotely patient he would have just used the dry lane to the left like all the other drivers.
First Kyle transfers. Then Kyler is considering transferring. If Kylest goes, it’ll be really bad.
Because they don’t serve Old Crow at Dairy Queen, they keep telling you.
this is what happens when your co-workers remind you that despite all your conservative antics, they still see you as just a black person like the rest of us. all her appeals to the religious right, the gun lobby, and other conservative causes won’t save her from racism. BLOOP!
“No. Do you make crackers Brian?”
I don’t think the Syrian rebels of any faction signed onto that document.
Daily driver duty!