s1cc n3ss

Can't wait for this. I think I'll watch the first movie again later today.

If this were a good rally game like Rallisport Challenge 2 I might care.

Theres a very good tennis anime called prince of tennis that has players doing special moves and it was adapted to some GBA games in Japan. A modern game of that would be awesome.

Tofu nuggets actually sound pretty good lol. Also I'm surprised this wasn't already a thing considering the popularity of fried tofu cubes.

If I were that dude doing Samuel L Jackson I would never wear any other clothes, EVER! And just run around yelling 24/7 it would be great lol!

that surprisingly looked decent.

That was madness.

Freaking AMAZING!!!!

Yea at it's heart it is essentially Orcs Must Die dolled up. I was always under the impression it was going to be a competitive shooter until watching this video. Hopefully they have some form of team vs team mode. Nothing from that video suggested it however.

Too bad this place is in the middle of bum fuck egypt. I always thought tornado's took Kansas away years ago.

That was great, made my day!

I was waiting for a slip up and to see a hand go flying off. I know that would probably happen if I ever tried doing that with that rediculously sharp knife.

I always knew Damien Sandow was a Pokemon fan!

If I had setup that I could use this for I'd definitely go with this over the other product. Hell if I had a tad bit more room at my desk I'd almost get this just for that keyboard/mouse pad piece and just put it on the desk itself so I could move it to my chair arms if I wanted to recline a bit. Nice find.

You're just not trying hard enough.

Yea that's how I am I've found. I have to stay up basically 24 hours once a week for my job and once I'm past that 18ish hour marker I get a second wind of sorts and can just stay up for upwards of 30 hours.

I like the gritty vibe from that trailer, definitely fits the content.

And if you don't want to pay for the Mad Catz brand name you can pick up some Rosewill's that do the exact same thing for half the price.

I woulda preferred some mega man, castlevania, ninja gaiden, wizards & warriors, and gauntlet in there. Minus the acoustic and flute parts and it would have been a nice jam track. I get what he was going for though and he did have some nice transitions in there.

Is it bad that I have "go to a convention in a deadpool suit" on my bucket list?