s1cc n3ss

It had me until I heard "ch-ch-ch-chip and dale" lol then it just falls apart.

Some great comments. I got that first reference instantly. Yea I'm a Sunbro, PRAISE IT!

Let's be honest, Nintendo lost the console war back when the Playstation 2/Xbox came out. I track back to these two consoles because Nintendo had no answer for them......and that track record has stood for the past decade. Console launch cycles is what I'm going after here. Ever since the PS2 and Xbox came out Sony

Yea that went really quickly from

lol that was amazing. "his name ain't even tristan"

I stopped 6 mins in when he started talking about how you HAVE to lock onto enemies to hit them. Git Gud Sir.......

Well we are humans. We are mammals. We know girls have boobies.

Yea this is a simple server roll back scenario.

Marshmallows in microwaves are way cooler.

Steven Hawking!

Stephen Hawking!

Man crazy just seeing him the past few days at WM and then RAW. RIP warrior.

How could he F up the one thing that is the turtles, how they have looked for two decades........ I mean what the F, how do you make April O'neil a brunette, Splinter a midget, Shredder a white guy, and the turtles an abomination that looks most like the toxic avenger or swamp thing than a turtle face. WHAT THE

Really the best part about this is true 1080p 60fps in PC > anything the ps3 or 360 version can do. I did a couple playthroughs on the ps3, enjoyed it and all but there is a fair amount of frame drop that occurs. From everything I've seen today about the PC version it runs smooth as butter at 1080p 60fps. I already

No way the streak ends. Brocks goin down!

Anyone else surprised a new "power glove" hasn't surfaced yet with all this VR tech coming out. It can't be that far behind. There was a design shown a few years back where you could map buttons to a glove but I have to imagine once the Oculus retail comes out and the Sony one hits the market, we'll see a "power

I thought the exact same thing when I saw this guy lol!

Man zooming in on that dudes face is freaky. I need porn like this thanks.


Mmmmm Deception IV vita ^.^