s1cc n3ss

Where's my Richard Sherman Optimus Prime's?

I think I saw that at Blizzcon at the nvidia booth. I just remember thinking "that's the biggest PC case I have ever seen" lol. I remember those red tubes too so pretty sure it was it.

I love when they walk by the wall of anime advertisement and all turn their head, at the girl with the big boobies lol.

I was waiting for someone to post some of these lol. Those guys are nuts over there.

Am I the only one that really hates Peter Molyneux' voice?

Yea I would call that a case of not scouting your run ahead of time lol. Whoever was leading that was at fault.

This may be almost relevant for Nintendo even though we all know it will end up just fine with the 3DS alone. But why post this when in a couple months the PS4 is dropping which everyone and their mom knows is going to do good. This might as well be one of those commercials on TV during elections that tries to

Man i can't wait for day when the Oculus is out and games specifically made for it are being released. Some of these horror games like Outlast for example that just came out today would be awesome with it.

LOL that teletubbie at the end made me laugh so hard!

LOL epic commercial

I'd rather have a decent AI or no AI/teammates at all and just a straight FPS than having to be the brain of AI only to see them die on me and become a hassle.

That was fuckin cool. Flair does act like that most of the time though lol.

Needs side by side hands to impress me. The video in the comments is legit and redic.


The last 30 seconds are hillarious.

Order of good melee games goes like this

I must say of all the overly rich people in the world this one dude is doing it right. Spend that money on retardedly expensive cars and hoon the shit out of them.


By the time you're old enough that the tattoo might not look good anymore your body will be worse off, I hate to say it but YOLO.

The retail version needs to be available like yesterday! CANNOT WAIT!