s1cc n3ss

HILL......wait for it........ARIOUS!!!

If this game isn't more of the first game with extra stuff then F it, not wasting my time. Why they would change a successful formula would be beyond me and totally NOT something EA would support. I just can't see this game being much different than the first. Changing it just wouldn't make financial sense, and

Doesn't matter. It's like rear ending someone in your car. You will ALWAYS be at fault for hitting them, the end.

Really? You sir are an idiot.

Ever wonder if they call imitating US car culture "fries"?

Exclusives like The Last of Us are the only reason I have these inferior plastic boxes in my room still. LONG LIVE THE PC!

I thought this article was going to be about how xbone controllers perma sync to the system as a means of controller DRM so we can't share controllers lol! I wonder why I thought that hmmmmmm.......

Who the fuck records themselves watching TV show episodes? These all feel staged. Hidden cameras would have been better instead of the people clearly knowing they are being recorded thus overreacting. L A M E

You gotta remember why it's a contract job. Because the work is not sustainable for large numbers of people or over time, period. The OP of the older article didn't understand that or something. They probably hired 50+ people to QA that game and once it's released, they don't need but a handful if that to stay for

You are a CONTRACTOR. You should know what that means from the beginning. You do realize that the job you applied for is a CONTRACT job meaning limited time until the job is done. Sure it can be a foot in the door but again, IT WAS A CONTRACT JOB. Also this happens ALL the time in the gaming industry. Hire a ton

Why does it seem that Lambo's are exploding/catching fire and Ferrari's are crashing.......DAILY.....oh yea because they are lol!

Thing needs some paint!

Rise of the Triad and Blood were two of my favs growing up. Both of these games need to be remade today, as games of course, not just cover art.

Just add people! or Zombies! or naked ladi.....errr.....ummmm.....yea ^.^

This game would be cool if it had a better perspective. Full on first person without hardly seeing your arms feels like you're just floating. Like driving games when you play in the full first person instead of a hood or cockpit perspective. Just adding an arm here and there reaching out ahead of you would work.

That was hillarious lol! Couldn't stop laughing!

That Lancia is freakin weird lookin. No part of that thing is beautiful. All the others, yes, Lancia, kill it with fire!

I must say it felt pretty good the first time I popped a dudes head with the sling. Gave me a "OH SH!T" moment lol. At first it's like what the hell this weapon sucks. Then you make a dudes head explode and you're like HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING!

What a moron. Why would you keep speed in a tunnel during the day. That is just asking to die. I hope someone beat the hell out of the driver for this, and they also get sued etc.

RE4 was the best. Will be keeping an eye on this.