s1cc n3ss

You guys should order a car from them. Uncover the truth about it. If they follow through then what they claim are correct. If not then it is what it is. The stuff the guy from NY claims is easily true. There are MANY conspiracy theory's about the economy that are true and are just being protected so not to have

That was pretty sick I must admit. Any little mishap and that guy could have been destroyed.

That was amazing.

My dog used to see dogs on TV all the time and bark and go nuts thinking they were really there so yea dogs can see.

Bone structure around his cheekbones are totally off. The real guy there has very small cheekbones not pronounced at all. The bandaged dudes are clearly larger. Unless that dude had some facial reconstruction it is a different dude.

Do people who read this not realize that Japan got hit by that GIANT FREAKING TSUNAMI last year? I can almost guarantee these are remains of some of the arcades that got affected, not some random ghost town lol.

Why would they not make this. I used to work at a internet cafe a few years back and people still played battlefront II. Hell I'd hop on and play a few rounds just to get a chance at being one of the hero characters like Yoda or Darth Vader for a few minutes and slaughter people. They would be shooting themselves

I'd hit it....I mean eat it....I mean....errr......yeeaaaaaaa.....

I want this to happen only so I can run around as Yoda or Darth Vader and slaughter people for a few minutes again like in Battlefront II.

*points and laughs* @ Maxis/EA. Way to fail guys.

LOL I love this guys rants when industry giants screw the pooch.

I might have to fire up Ong Bak 2 or 3 tonight now, I forget which one it was. There is a few amazing scenes in it though where he fights multiple enemies at once in front and behind him. Each move he does mimics the style of the enemy he's fighting and the front and rear enemy fight in different styles. It's

Such a bad decision to make this game online only. Already watched it lose sales due to that fact alone, so yea fuck EA.

I wish the puzzles were harder personally. I breezed right through them. The game overall is great though and a worthy revitalization to the franchise.

Oh well EA can suck an egg. All their games have hidden microtransaction barriers anyways. I'll straight up pirate their shit till the day I die.

It was removed before I saw but I saw a terrible one the other day. Instantly looked for some sort of complaint system and nothing is available? Poor site design there. Then again with the way I've seen this company ruin Jalopnik over the past few weeks go figure. I'm pretty sure a blind monkey runs this group of

I enjoyed all the boss fights. Pretty sure the music helped to a good degree but they were all epic in their own sense. I think one of the last fights where you're in the junkyard fire pit fighting the senator was my favorite. I had no health stimpak things so I had to do it almost flawlessly. Died a bunch but

That was hillarious, loved the music as well to add the drama LOL!

Thanks for clearing that up, too bad the OP of the main article couldn't just say that so everyone and their moms jaw didn't have to hit the floor after reading a poorly researched/reported article.

I'm gonna go ahead and blame the Arma II engine on this one. Somehow it made it 532344321x harder to complete said task than any other engine in existence.