Sounds About Right

I wish I could like your comment a million more times.

The fact that he asked this question speaks to his misguided belief that somewhere there is a breakfast food you can cook at home that will travel well to someone else’s house and not only be edible, but delicious enough to share. I have yet to eat this mystical food. 

Well, yes. Because messages are encrypted. Actually, most people that know what they’re doing from security standpoint use Signal.

I love the very clear and specifically selected line up Jez put him in and I guess not everyone is "in" on the subtext

I see that bit on Joe Alwyn and am picking up what you're putting down. 

“When Martin Scorsese says that the Marvel pictures are not cinema, he’s right because we expect to learn something from cinema, we expect to gain something,

You mean Captain Marvel? That movie did a billion dollars.

After seeing previews I was actually interested in seeing this film, but not anymore. We need fewer “creative” interpretations about how ethical journalism happens, especially in this day and age.

Huge yikes.

This made my head rage-splode

Men just aren’t bringing us their best are they? And until they do I suspect the birth rates will continue to decline.

Well, Camilla was already married, so, yeah, she was an improper choice for a young Charles to marry.

I’m absolutely petty enough that, if this were me, I’d repaint my house a tasteful red and green. And prune my Texas landscaping into Christmas tree shapes.

I, too, went to Zach Efron, but I wouldn’t say his career is dead or that his co-stars from HSM are A-listers while he isn’t. Werewolf makes way more sense. AND...this would only make his “dating” Taylor Swift also make that much more sense. 

I just found myself hating her more and more with every scene that passed.

You had us in the first half, not gonna lie. 

Or these other things called “men.”

Why did the researchers choose to model a woman and not a man? Hm, I wonder?

So disappointing. My first reaction is to close a tab immediately when there’s an autoplay video. I don’t want to take a good website off my reading list, but it seems I must. 

Thank you. I was wondering myself where that description of Diane Keaton could’ve come from. Every character she plays is the same and it’s always a screamy, agitated, high-strung woman. 

There’s also this great Atlantic article about how the national Pan hellenics have written their bylaws to put all legal responsibility on the local chapters and fratbros for any and all charges/injuries/rapes/etc that happen. So if your kid is in a fraternity, make sure you’ve got a hefty insurance policy to cover

I’m just going to say it. Whatever pants situation he’s got going on in those photos looks like my spanx if I pull them down to my knees.