
This week the Supreme Court decided that it’s unconstitutional to force fake doctors to tell women the truth, but totally constitutional to force real doctors to lie to them. That’s the court we have right now. And it’s about to become so much worse.

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

There is nothing to be gained from failing to call the ceremony rape. I think you misunderstood the book. Atwood was not writing about the lengths civilization will go to save itself from a fertility crisis. She was writing about the very real risks of overy patriarchy using any crisis to reassert itself. The

Every last cast member knew what they signing up for when they hitched their wagons to a vile, racist, pig. Now they’re forever tainted with the stench of Rosanne. They all got what they deserved.

As someone who is concerned about the morality and environmental effects of large scale animal farms and adjusts their diet accordingly, and as someone who has lived the majority of her life in the heartland of those farms and thus is subjected to so, so, SO many sanctimonious FB rants from dairy farmers about the

“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”

I think we can just call her a terrorist and not a “‘terrorist’”.

HARD disagree.

I am SURE someone has written an exhaustive hyper detailed breakdown of her gown down to which trees the silkworms that made the silk ate, but a quick look at the gown shows a likely un-stretchy duchesse type silk satin (no stretch), a portrait neckline, and with a sleeve length that is AFAIK dictated by

No. He could have married Camilla but didn’t so she married someone else. Then there was the divorce issue. So he always intended to just use Camilla as his mistress. Because he’s an asshole.

yeah it’s fair when this decision was probably made via some argument over tradition/religion and he’s a dude who cheated on his wife. this isn’t about diana’s actions, it’s about charles’s.


I don’t find the question very meaningful or insightful. I rather find the more interesting part of the exchange the ability of Hillary Clinton to tackle nearly any question with a reasoned thoughtful response. You may not agree with her answers but she can weave an intelligent personal tale into a coherent

I feel like if she started with listing her accomplishments, she’d be given shit for that, too.

Bill Maher is trash.

Bible Thumper.

what in the hell are you talking about?? Wash your crock pot!!