
Well, well, well, here I go again: since I posted at the Gary Johnson one, it’s only fair to post it here too...

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.

Garnering just over 1.2 million votes, Jill Stein is arguably slightly less responsible for giving us Donald Trump

Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

sure, fine, but alcoholism is also very real, and if someone drives drunk and crashes his car into 320 million people, I’m going to feel sorrier for the people he crashed into than the driver.

OH FUCK YOU ANTHONY WEINER. If he was just screwing himself over time and time again, I might, possibly still feel bad for him. But now that he might be fucking the entire world, he FINALLY decides to go to rehab. Fuck off you narcissistic shitbag.

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.

Good. Maybe someone who deserves the award will receive it instead.

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

That question is so asinine and thoughtless. I was a third child, my mother hadn’t had prior abortions, but she was deeply unhappy and stuck in a terrible marriage. There’s no question for - if you’re asking me to choose between my life and a possible reality where my mother could have been happy and not stuck married

Guys. Guys? Guys.

Have you read ‘the Terror’ by Dan Simmons? It’s about the Erebus and Terror. An amazing read. Also well researched. Highly recommend:

Can we just stop talking about She Who Must Not Be Named? It doesn’t matter to her if the press she gets is unflattering, she just wants the attention. If we ignore her she will go away.

I guess the bigger question is why CNN thought that the guy who exploited addicts for ratings would be a good addition to their network? Of course he was going to say and suggest stupid things, while using his title to legitimize said stupid things.

Yes absolutely of course talk about her not beaming in joy in the stands, let’s ignore the fact that on the day of qualifications for all-around, she immediately hugged Aly and Simone and said “I’m not disappointed at all” and said the exact same to the press afterwards, despite the fact that the freaking NBC