I'm kind of a transplant; I'm from Florida originally, although I'm just as happy to claim Kansas as my home state. Incidentally, as soon as I saw your username I giggled. Kansas could use more cynics!
I'm kind of a transplant; I'm from Florida originally, although I'm just as happy to claim Kansas as my home state. Incidentally, as soon as I saw your username I giggled. Kansas could use more cynics!
Me too. I hope that having her make these public statements will help other kids stuck in similar situations to see that there is a way out.
I agree completely! The trauma of having grown up like that is bad enough; they certainly don't need to continue to be traumatized by people once they've left. And I know exactly what you mean about wanting to counter-protest with the signs just for the kids — I usually see WBC protesters about once a week (they love…
I live in Topeka, where the WBC has its compound. I've known a few former WBC members that were also indoctrinated as children and left when they became adults. The horrifying part is that these kids (okay, they're adults, but they're still young as fuck) still get hell from people for their past in the 'church'. Like…
Oh, I totally feel your pain. If I don't tweeze, I look like two angry caterpillars are attempting to take over my face.
Bahaha! Since I currently have a cat kneading my leg with his retractable claws, this makes me have to ask — if I had retractable boobs, would I pop them in-and-out at people when I'm happy? :D
Oh yeah, professional waxing has always left me with burns and/or chunks of skin missing (*especially* when I was on acne medications). It would heal up fairly fast, but after I got the hang of the brow shape I wanted, I just started self-tweezing instead.
Yikes. I just turned 30, and had the "I may never have children" conversation with myself (maybe a *wee* bit premature, but I like to be prepared), because I have yet to be in a mental/financial place to have them. But I can't imagine willfully just putting it off when you *know* you want kids, and everything else is…
I get what you're saying. Sorry for misunderstanding. I guess I just feel like this is the kind of thing where people that are likely to care about it either already know or will do the research, and people that aren't — well, they just don't give a shit. That's what I meant by my age cut-off comment — the people that…
Eek. Thanks for that mental image. ;)
Heard that! After I typed that comment, I also remembered that one of my issues was that I was on acne medication (resulting basically in chunks of my skin coming off with the wax — yeesh!), so I guess my only real problem was that the waxer didn't go, "Oh hey, beeteedubs, if you're on acne meds you probably shouldn't…
I don't even... how would you kill yourself that way?
I used to use scissors for 'pruning' as well (that made me lol, incidentally), but I finally went and got a beard trimmer and have never looked back! Just make sure you use a guard (I went without once and there were... casualties...) and it works great — it's much easier to get a uniform length that way, unlike with…
I've never had my pubic hair professionally waxed, but I've had my brows done professionally as well as doing them myself. The one warning I wanted to give is that I always noticed a lot more damage to my skin after professional waxes — perhaps because they use the really hot wax? (If I wax at home, I usually use…
Pubic hair grooming was never fun for me (I'm 6'1'' and have always had tiny little showers), but I've recently discovered what you're talking about. My boobs finally decided to wake up ("Wait, you're 30?! CRAP, WE'RE LATE!") and I grew two cup sizes in the last two years, and now the damned things won't get out of my…
You are a brave, brave woman.
So you went from saying that it's *not* a statement about when people should have children, to making a statement about when people should have children? Okay.
Ahh, so you were saying it as more of a "women have to recognize the risks, why aren't men recognizing them, too?" sort of way? I gotcha.
Well, I'm not sure about the 'respectful' part (I'm still working on that one, myself!), but they'll be so witty it HURTS. :D
OOOOh. Would it be too un-P.C. to give them bubble pipes, as well?