Rzmmdx Leetuber

Don’t cross the streams.

Can we replace the men team with them?

I am still waiting for my reports on comments to do something.

Not as bad as buying the Pokemon Let’s Go edition from Target and finding out that someone has replaced the original console with the black version.

Not as bad as buying the Pokemon Let’s Go edition from Target and finding out that someone has replaced the original

Meanwhile, kid puts school on craigslist.


You missed the biggest promise to not show up to E3 this year.

So this is a MindJack remix?

So I am guessing Panama is going to be the new war target now.

How did they manage to have an even buggier game with the same Fallout 4 engine...

Seeing that he doesn’t know how to close an umbrella and just leaves it outside the plane.


Why stop there?

Oh, meanwhile there is a huge backlog to process rape kits.

Well, I am on season 0. you don’t see me crying about it.

The only advertised stuff that I purchased from sponsored youtube videos.

Oh, great. I can finally binge watch.


I shall always remember that time that he got sent off by flailing his arms around like a knobhead, nearly clawing someone’s eyes out in the Champions League.

I will miss Jack in the Box’s all day breakfast menu.