Oh, Evangelion 4.0 is coming out in 2019.
I am not sure if my brain can comprehend the existence of bacteria based F4ntastic.
They should have bundled it with NRA TV.
If it was a Cheetos shaped like Elvis.
Wait... what???
You guys forgot about a Red Wedding reference presented by Bob Mueller.
Oh good.
It might be easier to kick out all the states that want to secede.
She is lucky that she is not shackled by the weight of getting the platinum trophy.
God damn it.
Well good thing this happened after the midterms.
In a sane world, no one will be marrying anyone with the last name of Santorum to carry on the family name.
It’s somewhere in my drawer.
Nay I say.
Turkey was lucky that it wasn’t raining.
So if people use card protectors, they will have to use different colors or face the wrath of Mr. McSurpriseFace.