I was fine with it.
I was fine with it.
No God shall save you from the wrath of interrupting them fortnite games.
With the same people that leveraged debt unto the company which resulted in it’s bankruptcy?
If there was ever a time for a Chinese knockoff Switch to be made with actual decent specs.
I await the next Supreme Court Justices, Redneck Joe, Methhead Scott, Youtuber Jane and Brett Kavanaugh.
I thought he was one of them free market types.
But isn’t he the only democrat on the ballot?
Well, that’s how Jesus was born.
Well, if people could watch the first 3 transformer movies at the same time.
All hail the Studge.
Clearly it should have been Hippo cam pus which is horrifying.
Well, that’s better than what the TellTale Games employees had for severance.
Will they finally take the cyber seriously now?
Wait, so it’s a job interview in hell or a job interview for hell???
Great, now Drumpfr is going to start doing this with no regards to our laws.
Hey, Hey you.
All I am getting from this is that Sony should totally make a Vita 2.0.
But they are realistic.