Hot Snakes In My Belly Ron

This guy keeps it real

Hillary Can Relate!!! Sisterhood

Asparagus Syndrome. My mom made me try to eat that syndrome. I fought for the cure.

Of course to Jezebel staff writers.......Its classier for M. Obama to hand over a box Vs M. Trump becasue.........she has black hands. Good grief no wonder whites are leaving the democratic party. Keep telling whites they are horrible people anf they will vote like a minoirty block again in four years. Without the

TRADE WALL, PORTER AND BEAL. Hire Sam Hinkie and start the dog on process already. Earnie Grundfeld is an aliem hell bent of destryoing the Wizards with apathy and mind tricks.

I respect Chrissy for being the best Trans representative we have on the Earth right now. I cant believe John married her, Amazing Amazing Amazing.

Isnt this a case the Cher calling the kettle Cher.

Boom Goes the Dynomite

This is the most “Antiques RoadShow” take in Deadspin history.

I just watched that again and I think you are seeing things in that interpretation.

Good to know. I heard that on NPR. Weird; I assume all news casts now consist of get out info first then correct later. Even if getting out first means you are wrong.

If its full of Jihadi Muslims. Bring it.

Didnt Trump go at Boeing for a 4 billion dollar new Air Force 1 and make them deliver 2 planes instead of 1 for the same price. That kind of sold me on his abilities to humiliate the comapnies sucking us dry on crappy contracts.

She was a thunder thighed she beast. Women could see through her like a window. Men saw her lack of sex appeal. A given needed by any woman in public/celebrity life. She couldnt beat Trump and he was a mess.

I wrote this already but I’ll paste it here minus snark.

As Rush Said: Fake News was supposed to be inserted forever into the American Lexicon as a weapon against the right. However, almost all conservatives already considered all the MSM as being fake news so they took it over and used it like a weapon against the left. Thats why the new york times retired the words. When