
Thanks for the reply, I fully understand everything your saying, and moreover, agree with it. Although I still enjoy playing multiplayer, the feeling you get when you get a game without someone cheating just shouldn't be a feeling at all when playing multiplayer games.

Hmm, I really like how you said that. It’s a very interesting, and true, concept that depicts the same thing as hackers. I do like hearing other people’s opinions about things I say and stuff because im a realist or whatever and I see them all equally. It was a interesting way to talk about it and I like it, thank you.

lol welcome to Football America! Since I was a kid I always played it, but when I was a teenager, around the age of 14 I started playing Basketball too. But how I’m already off topic, no one knows. So my father is from Costa Rica, pretty cool to most people, the ones who aren’t racists and assume I’m a Mexican even

Not sure if that was actually a bot or not lol, seemed like it but I didn’t know bots even camped.

I’m... Not sure why people hate hackers so much. I mean don’t get me wrong I fucking hate going up against them you might as well give up, especially if they play obvious (mainly talking about CS:GO here). But the only comeback or insults you people ever sling them is that they suck so they use hacks, it is probably

Clicked because it said Lego, not disappointed

What the hell there is voice chat I didn't even know this I'm going to start using it!

I seriously so pissed about it she looks ugly af now :/


I’m surprised the LEGO robot thing had that fast of reaction timing honestly. Working with them in middle school and a little in high school, I don't remember them being that quick, but whatever haha :P

Can someone please explain to me why people think pirating games is taxing or difficult do to? It takes literally minutes .-.

Success will always have hate

How did he have 8 bloody CPUs? Or am I dumb. Could be that.

Haven't played league in ages, now I need to go buy Gnar :P

I personally found that really awesome, I would have actually preferred the Mario model to look more realistic. To me, that look really cool and if a Mario game came out with graphics like that I would definitely try it out tbh :P

I would quit immediatly, or even better, never be hired.

“Well. I don’t think I can turn this over with a beer case”

Well I guess I have to now. Ya know, I have this weird thing about when I hear people trying to speak English and struggle or just aren’t very good at it, it makes me really emotional and sad(I am male). I don’t know why, it just does.I just feel really bad for them or something. But 5 minutes in and this is already

Sounds good

I tried Dota 2 about a year ago, wasn't a huge fan because all the colours mesh together a lot more than league so it's a little harder for me to concentrate and it just seemed really easy to kill people and die as well. But this honestly looks kinda good so I might try it again, I already use Steam like crazy, over