
I cried a single tear laughing at this.

“Josh, you can’t just go around making veiled threats about shooting people. I don’t care if it was just a figure of speech, words matter!”

Yeah, well, sometimes you’ve just gotta go with plan B

Right through the A gap

Poor technique. Everybody knows you pull out first, then start to come...

That’s what happens when you don’t have protection.

this is basically the cumlination of your screencapping career

23 years later and we’re still remembering some rando dick who got his dick cut off. Incredible.

Women are mutilated by their partners on such a regular basis that it barely makes the news. In my area alone in the last 2 years a woman’s husband cut her breasts off and a woman who went to my high school had acid thrown in her face by her bf. The acid thrower got a whopping 2 years in prison.

shoot first, ask questions never.

I saw her on Seth Meyers (I think) a year or so ago, and she incredulously told a story about how she once met one of the people she’d said horrible things about on — what the hell was the name of that show? Fashion police? — and that person actually didn’t like her because of it! Can you IMAGINE? It made her so

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, which she never will.

Jon Hamm had a drinking problem at the time and has sought help for it. Kathy Griffin does not appear to have sought help for being unfunny.

I think that applies to a lot of “hot” guys, at least in my experience. As an average guy, I’ve seen “hot” guys (or guys who think they’re hot) say shit to women I never could (and, yes, sometimes get away with it). I saw one “hot” guy think he could beat another guys ass and he got the shit beat out of him. So that

I’m sure that Jon Hamm is an ass, but Griffin hasn’t been funny in eons, so team nobody.

I feel like a drunk Jon Hamm whispering to Kathy Griffin “you’re sooo old” would make me laugh so hard I’d pass out. In fact, if he whispered it to me drunkenly I think I’d throw up from laughing. Something about picturing that seen is really hitting me funny.

Do you think the episode of John Hamm on 30 Rock thinking he can do everything because no one told him he couldn’t because he’s so hot was real life? This would be a perfect Tina Fey move.

She reported the driver back in August and went to the BOE. She even wrote a letter to the driver which was read by the Principal to the driver. What the hell happened in between then? This is really, really heartbreaking.

Durham Bus Services got the contract this year for my child’s school district. They will be getting a call from me, asking about procedure and how they vet our bus drivers. Jesus, this story breaks my already broken heart. I’m empty. Where is 2017?

If Asthma was personified, it’d look like him.