
Garrincha, Pelé, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Alex...

They took the sign too literally

Didn’t work.

“I don’t understand why Cleveland wants a ring so bad. This court has 2 basketball rings already!” - Ted Cruz

Regera? More like Regreta...amiright?

I remember the good ol’ days when if you crashed you just blamed Pastor Maldonado. Now things are so complicated...

What I can’t figure out is how he got the judge to let him free to play a game after his horse and buggy incident.

If only there were some very large and very clear way to tell who was correct.

Anything less than the max amount of whole grains is some seriously pussy ass shit! Keepin shit REAL out here with some straight up kosher seeded pumpernickel, bitchass muthaFUCKA!

Few things in his professional life have bothered him more than providing a box of condoms and a couple of bottles of booze as part of concert rider? This is one of the things that vexes him the most in a long career in college athletics? He must have led a pretty amazingly drama-free life up to this point.

Fetty WARP

The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

But isn’t 40 wins an incredible stretch, too?

If they want to sell it to people who plan on driving the car, then they should plan on producing more than 500 of them.

I own this GT owner

You’d think Michael J. Fox would have better things to capture on Vine.

Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.

Sorry, I really miss image comments.

What’s a guy gotta do to get a mealworm around here?

Should we talk about that pig eating his watermelon on wall-to-wall carpeting in somebody’s home? Also, I hate the hippos’ handler.