Nope Badger

To be fair, there are barely any couch co-op games for consoles these days either. Much to my dismay. 


Or you could always have your friend get you a few costco gift cards. No membership needed if you are using one, or so I’m told. 

I remember seeing the Jones BBQ gals on Queer Eye. That episode made me so damn hungry. 

Same. I’d be really curious to know how this statistic would compare to the general (white) population. Especially by state. 

And don’t get me started on drinking. Two beers is a crazy night for me at this point. And I feel it the next morning. 

Some of us have to save up quite a while to get a $300 console! 

I saw that and thought, “things I would have done in college but never in my 30s”

This will never pass.

Anything means something to those who have to fight hard to achieve it.

Just out of curiosity, if he walked into a public place, say the county clerk office and yelled racist stuff, would that be protected under the constitution?

I mean, Tank is a banger. Hard not to reuse it. I’ve had it as my ringtone for years and I’m still not tired of it. 

An unhinged celebration. 

Why is Kirby peeking out of his swimsuit at the top of the article but not on the picture found later in the article? Either someone went to the effort of photoshopping him into one, or out of the other. Either way, I’m confused.

Why is Kirby peeking out of his swimsuit at the top of the article but not on the picture found later in the article?

Paramount + has a gazillion Star Trek shows these days.

you beat me to it. 

Now playing

I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen the live action version I was looking for:

The hodge twins entry on wikipedia makes it seem like the Root endorsed them somehow because of this article.

Hackman would be better at giving the beating, and Murray would be better at taking the beating. Going through basic training will teach you to throw a punch, but having 4 irish catholic brothers will teach you to take a punch. Anyone’s game. 

Does it look like any the same kind of thing I’ve seen a million times before? Yes.