Nope Badger

Beat me to it. 

Shigella of the mouth.

Will there be anything left of Live and Let Die after editing out the racism? That one needs to be thrown away and started from scratch.

What a moron.

Humanity looks interesting. The rest of the games... meh.

Uh, nope. 

As someone who worked as a professional translator, I agree that this is pretty much a lost cause. Things like this don’t translate well, or at all. It would be like trying to translate a crossword puzzle into another language and still expecting it to work with the original spaces provided, or even for the wordplay

The one factor you didn’t consider was Denzel’s... well, sexiness. The man’s perfectly symmetrical face caused a generation of women to swoon. Of the options above, only Michael B Jordan comes close in that regard. 

She was the best part of the Super Bowl. Not a diss to the rest of the event, btw. 

I’m definitely too old to buy a skateboard. 

I’m definitely too old to buy a skateboard. 

Where does Gawker find these writers? Not sure how Lincoln could have owned slaves... his family (beside being too poor to own slaves) moved to Indiana when he was 7 and then he lived in Illinois. Both were free states. Supposedly that was a factor in why they moved to Indiana. You can hate on him all you want, but I

I clicked on this article expecting to read reactions about white women clutching their pearls and veiled (or not) racist comments about the performance. Instead... just normal opinions. 

Not sure where you read that....

I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for the sake of the cast, but the trailer looks super... Disney Channel

That’s what I came here to say as well. Dark movie, but not depressing by any means. I eventually bought it so I could watch it again (dating myself here...), whereas there are some movies on this list that I would never want to watch again because they were so depressing.

God I hate this art style. I’m getting Berzerk flasbacks... *shudder*

Looks like he stole his dad’s book cover artist. Those Butcher books all look the same to me. 

At his best, there was nobody better than Prince, and he was at his best here.

They really immerse themselves into your wallet. Deep into your wallet. 

I have to say, when I was 17 I also would have described a 19 year old as an “older woman”