
It should've though. If they really wanted to spin off Friends, they should have followed Chandler and Monica to the suburbs and played their high strung neurotic New Yorkiness against a bunch of golly gee small town folk. Joey was just not a strong enough character to build a show on.

I love when you put up a floating punchline, somebody else comes in with the whole set up and gets more likes. Shit i'd err on the side of posting the whole thing.

There was an early episode where they were trying to figure out if the bartender was a vampire, and I guess they cut a line where Lily denies he is and is like "trust me, I just know." They shoulda kept it in as a wink.

At one time, and possibly still, Samuel L. Jackson had the highest ranking total films in terms of box office, so I'm sure he's got money.

I remember Pink talking shit on Kanye around this time period for the Swift thing, so there's some legit heat there. Although fwiw they remind me of each other in a weird way, i'd actually love to hear what they'd come up with in a collaboration.

Man, we still have a drive-in theater where I live, so me & my ex wife used to take our daughter with us there when we wanted to see a movie and didn't have a sitter, so the only poeple she would torture would be us. When she was about 2 we saw the double bill of The Expendables and Inception, and she wouldn't go to

For some reason, that's the scene they show at the beginning of the intro video before the Twister ride/show thing at Universal Studios. So lots of kids get to be traumatized by the thought of losing a parent in a tornado during a fun filled family day at a theme park.

It kinda bugged me that at the end of This Is The End they had that Backstreet Boys cameo, like they were implying that all the stoners of a certain age were secretly jamming to boy bands on TRL. Maybe that's how they did things in Canada, but I sure as hell wasn't. I'd have probably realy died laughing if instead, at

And yet them Kidz Bop cds keep on coming out.

An exercise in willpower: I work with mentally ill adults, ond one of the guys had me stop at the store on the way home so he could buy some potted meat. And I had to do it without laughing at him or making a Sling Blade reference.

I'll take Indestructible over Let the Dominoes Fall any day. A band trying too hard and spreading themselves too thin over a band trying to summon inspiration that isn't really there and making their "Ain't Dead Yet" record.

I always suspect that Wesley Willis was hearing something in his head that sounded like dubstep and translated it to music.

Did he used to make you sit around his apartment while he worked naked like he used to do to Lester Bangs? Please tell me he did.

I'm slowly but surely converting a legion of non-ska fans by playing them Streetlight Manifesto's first album. That shit always gets over with the marks.

I don't keep up on my LiLo news, but is she still a lesbian or was that just a phase? I think amongst all the other drama she has it gets swept under the rug that she's out & proud, or at least was. You'd think she'd latch onto that to try to change the narrative about her.

Assuming you can coordinate all the schedules, that'd have to be the easiest show to reboot. I mean they don't even have sets, you could film it anywhere. You could do a whole episode on existing Parks & Rec sets in between takes.

I definitely noticed him in that, right before the whole Krumholtz scene. I think he was wearing his Superbad outfit.

I'm willing to bet all of her scenes in Social Network were filmed in a day or two.

Every Iowan I've ever met has a really dark sense of humor. Its the rural Minnesotans that can't take a joke.

"The best day of my young life was finding my dad's porno movies in the back of that attic. And the worst day of my young life was finding my MOM's porno movies, in the back of that video store."