
Everyone working in all of Hollywood animation could fit comfortably in my house (well, not the Koreans, but everyone here) so I guarantee you Futurama's had some Family Guy writers, artists, producers, whatever. This is just a logical extension of that. Someday South Park will need to pop a rating and have Seth on

The problem is, the voice of the show has changed so much that it'd almost be jarring to see them go back. They actually have shifted back, at least some of the time, to a little bit smaller, more personal stories in this season, but Homer is written now the way Bart used to be, Marge and Lisa just repeat their own

I didn't think it held up at all, when I Netflixed it it just felt hokey and broad. There were a few snicker worthy moments and they had some good concepts, it just didn't deliver. Jokes that were probably great when I was 7 didn't last.

In some ways I can understand this guy's sentiment. I used to date a (white, well off middle class) girl in high school who used to go with her (also white, well off. Toand middle class) hipster friends and shoplift from Goodwill, like hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. It was very hard not to break up with her over

It felt weird that he wasn't in the movie more, he feels like an important part of their unit. Although I loved seeing him bash How I Met Your Mother for getting stale.

Those funny little shapes on all of those pages in the middle are called words.

A whole article describing how you have to get yourself in a particular frame of mind to view these new episodes in a certain light. Can't just admit it was a failure and all the hype was for naught. This sacred cow's gotta keep on mooing!

Having basically grown up in Orlando, Universal holds a special place in my heart, moreso than most of the other parks. That being said, I could cunt punt the very hands of fate for pjtting Simpsons stuff there after I moved.

Orlando put The Mummy in King Kong's Kongfrontation's spot. The year that the King Kong remake came out, of course.

Funnily enough Twister was just a modern update of a Backdraft ride.

Try working outside there and getting hit with one bone drenching storm burst that gets your clothes saturated and is gone before you can even get out of it.

Its such a travesty the way they keep swallowing old classics at Universal in favor of new stuff. I get that they don't want to look old fashioned but its heartbreaking to see Jaws and BTTF get shuttered, even if Simpsons did go in its place.

Michael Phelps?

Giraffes have the highest blood pressure of any mammal. Makes sense when you think about it. I hope they went scientifically accurate in this to justifiably go overboard with the blood.

Too many metal bands are composed of white guys with no innate sense of rhythm? Too many metal bands think more always equals better so they add redundant guitars to thicken the sound rather than deepen it? Too many lead guitarists shoot themselves in the foot by relegating rhythm sections to being overwrought

After I read a Rolling Stone profile on her I realized she's pretty punk. I love how relentlessly stupid her music is. If she were some guy in Dickies playing a guitar with the same image they'd put him on Fat Wreck Chords and people'd think he was great.

You probably think you're being funny but that's totally the same people. Somehow they went from communal sex cult to peddlers of fine china.

Fight Club did a lot for them amongst casual listeners. I'm always amazed when once every few months or so someone posts a "Where Is My Mind" clip on FB that normally just listens to whatever.

Teenage sex sucks so bad. I swear it would relieve most of the anxiety of the teenage years if teenage boys just had access to sex workers to vent their sexual energy on so they don't go around mucking things up with equally confused teenage girls. I think the Oneida Community had the right idea.

Its not like he doesn't know his column is posted on here, I'm pretty sure he knows it exists. And its a spinoff of The Onion, its pretty high profile. I don't get why everyone still has that "oh we're jus lowly little people on the internet, miles away from all those amazing famous folk." It don't quite work like