
Here’s an idea: Come out on stage, apologize for threatening to ruin many people’s Saturday night viewing experience, introduce Poehler and\or Fey (fuck it, even Fallon) and then leave. Go design some jet-powered sporks or infrared dentures or something. 

Lots of workplaces mandate camera usage during meetings (and then fill days with hours long meetings). I once got into a huge argument with a friend about it because I finally told my workplace that I didn’t care what their preference was, I was no longer using mine, and she apparently requires camera usage with her

This one seems a little lower-stakes than others. Bathtub is a weird choice, but if he was truly in pain and that’s what relieves it, then I get it. 90% of us would choose to power through the pain when working, but that’s just a reflection on unrealistic standards for productivity when working at home. But this isn’t

Yes to the last part. Re-sellers usually stake out shops to grab the nicer stuff, like name brands or the item is in better condition, and then sell it for 10x is worth. The people who deserve nice things but can’t afford them, or who maybe would like to dress their kids in something not off-brand AND a resell item,

Isn’t this the same shit bird who advised Bill Clinton to go back to Arkansas during the 1992 presidential campaign to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray, the guy who had an IQ of a 4 year old and helped the prison staff find a vein for his lethal injection and wanted to save his dessert for after his execution?

Warren is the most insufferable, annoying dude I’ve seen on YouTube. I couldn’t get 10 minutes through the video without suffering an eye-rolling induced injury.

Also this from NBC news:

Agreed. Naming a 4 year old “Top Josh” is kind of sweet and shows that this was a good natured event. Hardly the worst thing on the internet.

GaWkEr media. To soon?

depends on what you mean by audacious, and startup...

Tucker is always worth a Mention. 50 Cars

“The Internet Isn’t Cool Anymore” says writer on a website that is no longer cool about an event that took place 4 days ago.

That’s fair.

Those are notoriously unreliable, but would have been smart to mention. If only to mitigate your comment. lolz

My aunt understood one of the most obvious things about this country that my parents either didn’t get, chose to ignore, or were too overwhelmed to do anything about: unless you were very rich and white, projecting your status as a member of the middle classes through conspicuous consumption was a necessary

This is partially true. I'm vaccinated and I have an adverse impact on the unvaccinated: if they don't want to get vaccinated I tell them to fuck off.

Fauci wept. 

Pounding processed meat and having heart attacks to own the libs”.

Due to the implications that it has for his longevity, I sincerely hope that Don Jr. is really eating four pounds of red meat a day.

Everybody with brains knows that if you quit eating red meat, you’ll turn into a gay.

“If I wanted to do this in my Hyunda, I could