
Which is all fine and good unless someone is trying to qualify for a mortgage and shows no income.

I’m also onboard with that idea in live action, put Kathryn Hahn in the tentacles for real!

Excellent choice!

A lot of the teenagers I teach have coffee for breakfast and skip lunch, or have a VERY light lunch. They have sports and the like after school—usually, they are going until 5 p.m. or later on just a couple hundred calories. It’s terrifying how normalized this is. And how absolutely dull they are in class because

It’s bizarre to me how open the Tik Tok teens are about all their issues on this seemingly public platform.

Thanks for reporting on this, it is very important.

Many people who become homeless tend to not stay homeless forever, though they might bounce in and out of it. So it’s just more accurate to characterize it as an experience, not something intrinsic as an adjective would imply.


Ugh....whatever, Donald! Go play with the plane while the adults talk.

Am naive thinking that the inauguration crowd will socially distance and wear masks, and still be larger than Trump’s crowd?

Elon Musk is a rich kid from South Africa.

Like so many wealthy people, they think they owe *NOTHING* to the society in which they live, that created and gave them them all the opportunities they pursued, and ultimately keeps their world running. Yup, America’s “I got me and mine, so fuck you are yours,” strikes again.

I gave out a bonus point each time someone corrected my spelling, which is admittedly terrifyingly bad, and hopefully proved by example that perfection wasn’t the point of writing, effectively advocating for one’s own ideas is. Also, Hawthorne himself didn’t even spell it Hawthorne until he graduated college, so I’m

To sponsor posts on Gizmodo.

Uhhh... Are You suggesting You order an LG and get an LC- knock off TV that catches fire?

I used to get groceries from Amazon, as they were a good place to get bulk groceries delivered to the house cheap. They had quality, name brand coats, shoes, and boots in my sizes - which are near impossible to find even in specialty stores without special orders. Books/ebooks were super affordable. Electronics were

When I told my dad we’d been exposed to someone with Covid who came to our house with a dry cough (masked, thank goodness, and no symptoms yet), he said that we don’t have an epidemic of Covid. We have an epidemic of stupidity.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

I just don’t know what to say about this anymore. The collective selfishness of the American people is breathtaking in its cruelty.

Dude has worked for 256 days straight, and has probably had to do a truckload of interviews like this. I’m going to give him a pass for focusing on the things he can actually control and advice about personal responsibility he can give to patients, current and potential.