
“...you lost that gawker feelin... who-o-o-o-a, that gawker feeeeelin... you lost that gawker feeeeelin... at least its not gone, gone, gone... who-o-o-a”

#CrownVicCrew - fight me (LOL)

Came here to say this... that intro doesnt sound like tag at all...

Dying doesn’t absolve you of your actions.

Why stop at a proxy war? Maybe we can just get right to the point and be drafted into private armies for our favorite #brands and fight to the death!

If i was here illegally, and at risk of having my family split up... i would flee too.

Reluctant CP. Too much cash. Here’s a pic of mine, in worse condition, but i picked it up for a grand this January

I used a version of it on a newer vw passat (not mine) on a road trip, 12 hrs straight and my level of fatigue was much lower. I was a better and more alert driver at hour 11 than i would have been.

This one of those fake rumors they gave to the aides to find the leaker? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?

We didnt. There was lots of hand wringing from others who take these matters much more seriously...

AMEN - An unbeliever whose wife likes sports

i prefer calling them “Trumpanzees”

What a bunch of cunts LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Trump is just a useful idiot for sessions and his kind...

They’ll give all the mulligans it takes to keep this useful idiot around so long as he advances their agenda.

How about we play it and let them kneel if they choose? These owners should be proud to have a platform to give their players.

You’d be right if he was a homeless man shouting from a dumpster. But he’s the president and one of the most powerful people on earth. His off-the-cuff remarks will change policy today, tomorrow, and for years.

I didn’t even need to open those URLs... opinion section... two different authors...

Now playing

2:25 - these people are animals. You can debate the quality of character of a gang member... to start referring to them as animal instead of human is a bit far, no?

this is a bad take and unachievable for a lot of people