Well I’m 35 and I’ve done them often with my step dad who’s in his 60's. So I’m not sure it’s something age related...
Stupid? yes. Wasteful? yes. ...but dear god i love them, and you’ll never stop me! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha *cough cough* ahahahahahaha
p71... factory limited slip included
i want to like it... but so much of it is so cringy....
I know i’m one... Though i don’t often comment.
Counter point; its fine.... if they use good procedures, its not an issue.
But it’s only a few bad apples still, right?
I’ve never been happier to not have any of that shit...
I prefer Wack Arnolds
Pics with fish still good or nah? LOL
You think thats fun, check out Pax Era...
It’s always interesting to watch such a polarizing comment like this, LOL
...I picture myself running from a threat, rounding a corner, scaring a jumpy cop and getting shot...
I know my panther (06 p71) loves abuse... giggity
They are. I’ve owned two and they were delightful. Comfy too.
good riddance to bad rubbish
I know i dispised them. The lack of realism. The lack of dedication to making the cars (they were props, with no real performance).