
Sooo... you’re telling me that somebody boiled down a complex scientific concept into a single statement that makes a snappy youtube video? hrumph... preposterous...

yup. and sometimes more counterintuitive. in adams county colorado i can’t carry brass knuckles (but legal to own, and fun to play with) and i can’t conceal a knife over 3 in. but i can open carry a gun or knife of any size, lol

related... all this work for a drop in the bucket when compared to china/india

Nah. The increased revenue grants them access to new sources and deliver better news that’s more balanced, gives voice to the disenfranchised individuals. /snark

$17 if you’re a gansta

“But what happens over time when you realise, I’m never going to achieve those goals”

I wish I could give you more stars. I’ve seen so many people work hard to make their organization look good. Those rewards/notoriety are collected by the leadership and the little guys just lose time at home with family.

There’s classics and antiques.... then there’s old crap. This is old crap

My wife’s lifted truck (yes) is also a challenge. I've had to unbuckle, kneel on the bench and lean out the window at my waist just to use an ATM. We just park and go in everywhere.

Why do it? well... and I think it started as a way to try and look like the competition pulling trucks. They run crazy rich to pull the sleds without running lean, and I think it also has a cooling effect. (I know only a little about it)

I was a volunteer EMT for about 8 mos (had to quit, needed money) and this cannot be true for the north Denver area, that’s for sure. But most drivers do everything to move out of your way, that’s the game changer.

It looks like the spike is several spikes nested into each other? Do they break off? That could make it hard to climb using them and be very painful if you got one stuck in you.

floppy discs. i still remember stacks my dad made bound with rubber bands. Commander Keen 2... disc 1 of 5. Commander Keen 2... disc 2 of 5.

exactly. I watch lots of videos, do a lot of browsing... make maybe 1-2 calls a week. I’d rather have it work better for the functions i use most. I might some day make the leap to have a tablet only.

x1million when said in reference to the human body. “hack your body to burn more calories by walking a little more each day!”

or just use “wireless”... i think the internet part is implied

This is awesome!

...spray can of green paint...

...jus’ lissen to dat four fiddy big block

mine too :) RV cam for the win. Now if i could just get over 12mpg... lol