
For the same reasons that Obama sitting in a church for years listening to anti-America preacher and starting his political career in the living room of a terrorist isn’t a close enough association for him to be viewed as agreeing with them but having worked in an office at the same time as some case means that person

And you were never going to accept the results of the FBI investigation anyway. First off, calling it an “investigation” is misleading, it was a background check. Second, the FBI didn’t need to talk to Ford as she already told the Committee everything she knows, all the information she had and all the witnesses who

The House impeaches and the Senate holds the trial to determine whether or not to “convict” him. The vote in the Senate requires a 2/3rd majority or 67 Senators.  

Nevermind Jake, it’s Chinatown.

“Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is staring at a second Donald Trump-nominated Supreme Court justice who has multiple sexual assault allegations levied against him.”

This is why there never should have been an FBI investigation in the first place. You are conflating what the FBI background check does with an FBI investigation when there is the possibility of bringing federal charges against someone. As has been stated over and over again, all the FBI does in this situation is

Because he submitted a letter to the Committee under the penalty of felony that it never happened.  What else are you going to ask him? All you would get is a bunch of questions about how bad a person is or was or the other times that he got drunk or whatever that are completely unrelated to her claims.

There was only one witness because everyone else she says was there either says it didn’t happen or has no knowledge of it.

In response to your first paragraph:

Yeah but does anybody know where, when or who else was there when you were killed. And will all of them deny having any knowledge of your claimed death?  You should probably be more vague about your death so that it can’t be proven one way or another.  Also, I assume you have been dead for at least 35 years and

Except, of course, for the minor fact that she graduated high school in 1980 and the parties took place between 1981 and 1983 when Kavanaugh was still in high school. So, she wasn’t a high school teenager attending parties, she was an adult college woman attending high school parties on numerous occasions knowing that

You probably know this but P.J. Fleck came up with “row the boat” as a way to deal with the death of his infant son.  He has, in other places, also talked about the responsibility he feels to live two lives, one for himself and one for his son.  If someone can’t appreciate that, they have no heart.  If someone who is

So, what prevents me from buying a car at 22% interest which reflects the risk being taken by the lender due to my bad credit and the fact that nobody will lend to me at the prime rate, never making a a payment, having the lender garnish my wages and I get a prime interest rate that I would never have qualified for

That’s why the entire article is bullshirt. Even if Kavanaugh’s nomination was withdrawn, the left would simply take whoever is nominating in his place and find some reason why he or she was unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice. While the actual reason would be “we simply do not like how he is going to rule” they will

Except by calling her a “burglar” he undermines his own argument. See, “burlgary” has a specific legal definition. It requires the entry into a building illegally with the intent to commit a crime. Thus, by calling her a “burglar” her intent comes into play and you need to evaluate all the things Mr. Harriot is

I nominate Jason Mendoza aka Jake Jortles.

I assume that the next time a President (D) gets to appoint a Supreme Court Justice and that nominee tells Congress that Heller and Citizens United are “settled” law that you will be equally skeptical since we all know whoever that nominee is will vote to overturn both as soon as they are appointed to the Supreme

So, now not only are white people racist, white people are responsible for people of color being racist as to other people of color? “Don’t blame me, white people made me this way” is the new privilege, I guess.

They support it because what follows is “and the rich are going to pay for all of it.”  It’s easy to convince the majority of people that free college or Medicare for all is a good idea when also being told they will not have to pay for it.  Tell them their taxes are going to get raised and the 47% of people who pay

Because it doesn’t fit his narrative. Just like he completely skips over the fact that the first definition does not include any reference to “power” yet finds no problem in saying “It would seem as if the actual definition of racism from the actual fucking dictionary addresses the fact that racism is incomplete