Ryan Rife

I assume you need to buy all new accessories for the PS5, so it technically will cost more in the long run (assuming you already have current gen accessories for both systems).

This is absolutely doable using today’s technology....so the fears are legitimate.  It’s dangerous AF, but certainly doable.

How is this difficult?  X and S will play 100% of all of the the same games, with no exceptions.  X will look better, even for older titles....as expected, since it cost more.

What are you talking about, of course we’re doing something about it....we’ll blog about it and argue about what to do for the next decade.

I’ve paid for, and played, so many variations of this game I can no longer care.

Not sure what it is, but they look like a sex toy.

The “rice” button on the instapot doesn’t even cook the rice for the time and pressure recommended in the recipe book.  Regardless, the results aren’t the same as you’d get in a real rice cooker.

I went 20yrs of my life w/o a rice cooker....I agree, just buy a damn rice cooker.  And an Instapot is not a good rice cooker, buy a real one.

How is this any different than bundling word with excel or outlook any of the other office products? Just because one competes with your business doesn’t make it a monopoly.

*face palm* he didn’t make $13B, we (the royal we) decided his stock now has a higher face value...he is mega rich, but he can’t just sell it all for cash and go buy whatever, he’s not allowed to and it would crash the valuation of the very stock he’d be selling. 

VPNHub is cheaper, wonder how they compare.

It DOES kill Covid-19....but may have some side effects.

I was kind of hoping we wouldn’t have console-specific games any more....just Playstation or Xbox games that work on old and new consoles.

I use my phone to ignore phone calls and post pics of my kids on Facebook....are you saying I won’t be doing that with iOS 14?

Without Apple’s support, it’s a dead technology....fun while it lasted.

After messing with the resin one time, you’ll quickly realize that that was not $200 well spent.

After messing with the resin one time, you’ll quickly realize that that was not $200 well spent.

A quick splash of hot coffee in their face would probably get the point across.

You can get the same level of service on Verizon MNVOs like Xfinity or Visible for less money.

CarKey does not seem simple, seems like a real car key is still easier to use....Tesla’s method is better.

Not sure what all lead up to the leg taking, but I too would have taken the legs if I were arresting someone as it could legitimately be used as a weapon.