Ryan Rife

“we have NOTHING in place to help victims of trauma”, actually we do, it’s called “insurance”. 

Insurance won’t cover everything....heck, it barely covers anything.

They should have these tournaments in prisons, it’s safer there.

Good job stereotyping people. 

Came here to say just that.  Basically if you don’t like what someone is saying, ignore them....attacking those people just makes their voices louder and validates some of their claims they make against you.

Seriously though, they’re going to win the national championship.

This plays on all of our fears....clowns, secret societies, drowning and Taco Bell making French fries. 

I got a $600k house earlier this year with 5% down, had a full 20%, but my broker encouraged me to put the other 15% in stock for a year thinking it would grow faster than the PMI/interest on the home.....in hindsight it doesn’t look like it’s going to work out that way.

...or we can switch to the FairTax and stop allowing the govt to use our income tax as a way to buy our votes.

Remember when conservatives said the same thing about Obama, or when liberals said the same thing about Bush or when conservatives said the same thing about Clinton....same crap, different people, just wait a few years and move on.

So if the “it’s only a game” argument is valid, then it should be ok to make a game where Hitler is the good guy and the holocaust didn’t happen.

You make it sound like the people’s paranoia is not justified, as if there aren’t 10's of thousands of people running around the country that are just looking for a reason to cause harm to another person. In today’s society you can pretend you’re somehow immune to these kinds of problems, hope the government will

If you factor in the 2017/2018 inflation rate, and assume it continues at that rate or worst, over 12 years the $140k is about what the $104k will cost you in 2030....so maybe it’s not that bad of a deal after all.

I really enjoyed this article, seemed a little less biased than most.

Yes we did, we had very easy access to extremely more lethal weapons than we do today.

“extensive track record of being irresponsible, exploitative and downright scummy” from Gawker Media.

Volvo cars have a history of hitting pedestrians....maybe they should rethink their algorithms.

Is this an anti-Amazon article or anti-gun article?

They should have left the insta-kill coldheart and prometheus lens glitch as a PvP mode.

He was talking about the thumb hole stocks used to get around NY and CA assault weapon bans. As soon as you pass a law, people are waiting to expose the loophole.