
I was thinking reading the headline "another fucking kickstarter?!" "What happened to the days where we didn't have to pay for a game to get made and then buy it again!?"

But the damn birds!

I think that's why it ended up capsizing is because it shouldn't have been there...

Best. Movie. Ever.

Agreed. The purpose of the voice recognition is using your voice. Not a combo

Track lighting ain't standardized. Is this Halo, Juno, Lighotolier compatible? I wanna git my white trash on!

edit- i haven't payed attention to these guys in years. so ignore that.

Two thumbs up

Agreed. I hope I didn't come across otherwise

Hahahahah. Google translate helped a lot here.

I read Hiller as Hitler and searched through all the photos looking for a happy, jolly Hitler. I was disappointed.

No, he probably had to rip it apart to solder some stuff and made a new one? Not entirely sure!

Well they fixed the article- before it said $700 on contract, $800 off. I guess I got in before the typo police.

Holy Jeebus. $700?! I feel like that alone is reason enough to ignore it...

You need another star. Here- take it! *

My coworker and I play all day, every day during down time (and after work, as well). I have no problem with using more... obscure... words, but he insists it be a relatively, normal, every day word, and you MUST know the definition of the word. Needless to say, games are much more challenging, but a lot more fun, as

My first RPG was Dragon Warrior, followed by Phantasy Star 2. Turn base battles will always be the way to my heart. I do appreciate the fast paced battles of FF13 and FF13-2, but give me FF1-9 any day.

Oh, I remember the Master System. We had one, too. BUT! That system was so awesome and it's games kicked so much booty you didn't even WANT TO PAUSE! Remember the built in Maze game? I had more fun with that than Alex Kidd.

But think of the days of the gamecube. Do you remember how laughably short every cord was on that machine? Major tripping hazard. Like when it got tripped over while playing Phantasy Star Online. You remember what happened if you didn't "properly shut down" PSO? You lost your inventory. That was horrible.