Yes, the Sega CD had these flops, but what of the Lunars and Lunar 2s? The Dark Wizards and the Shining Force CDs? The Snatchers and Popful Mails? And to a much, much, MUCH lesser extent, the Rise of the Dragons?
Yes, the Sega CD had these flops, but what of the Lunars and Lunar 2s? The Dark Wizards and the Shining Force CDs? The Snatchers and Popful Mails? And to a much, much, MUCH lesser extent, the Rise of the Dragons?
170 employees. Yikes...
It doesn't matter if it's $16 or $39- it's still final fantasy tactics. A game we'd all be happy to pay premium on a DS or PSP, so why not an iPhone? It people who think that iPhone apps should be $0.99 that keep the ecosystem down and keep quality developers away...
If i read it correctly, there will be a sweepstakes in a few weeks to pick 1000 entrants (random drawing I'm assuming). Of those 1000, one will be picked. Great way to set a bar. Instead of, potentially, millions of videos to judge, set a limit of 1000, knowing that half those people won't come through with a video to…
I only have two things to say-'"I can't shake him, dammit!"
Obviously the kids on the box are primordial dwarves.
Now what if you use 1.5gbs, but 97% of everyone else uses 65mb. Don't fucking grade on a curve!
Do you guys know what's cool about sex?
Anyone with a wife feels your pain.
I'd imagine that if you have $250 to buy a 3DS, you have $10 to use a pay wifi network to get your 20 free games...
See! A little pride in one's work always pays off :)
I just hope they didn't PLANT any evidence on him. That WOOD be quite disastrous, as sometimes the police overuse their FLOWER. ... ...
I recently found my N64 with Mario Kart, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark while moving this May. I've got, like, six controllers, but no one to play with these days. College is LONG over, my fiance (wife in about three weeks) has no interest, so it will sit in that box until some buddies come over and we take care of it.
yup. We used to have CRAZY battles in 64. If they can bring back that block level, i'd be happy.
The arcade games, while TECHNICALLY Mario Kart games, I think of more as spinoffs. I mean, they don't follow canon at all! The plots are NOT related to the rest of the series, which has a continuing, engrossing plot.
See how "chef" is in quotes? That.
How new or old is that ad, out of curiosity?
But it COULD look like that, if I remember the ruling of a court case from the 90's correctly. McDonalds corp offers all the proper materials to the individual restaurants to make them look like that, but it's up to the individual "chef" to make that masterpiece. And, if it doesn't look like that, you should take it…
As are they in London and Paris, for that matter!
What someone like me finds GOOD about Obama? Well-