3G model... $629 base. SHE'S a RICH BIATCH! HONK HONK
3G model... $629 base. SHE'S a RICH BIATCH! HONK HONK
I think you're taking this too literally. Of course there is no karma- just like there is no Santa, Easter Bunny, God, Allah, Vishnu or Zeus. They're all just ideas. What I said was just an idiom.
Karma's a bitch. I was looking at al these kids' facebook pages, and they look like the nerdiest losers you could ever imagine. They'll love shower time in prison
I just went onto my iPad (or iPhone) and youtubed "conan o'brien final cut pro" and it came right up. Get it while it's hot!
Not to sound crass... but isn't that what that little toggle is for?
Just don't use the flavor packet- or use a small fraction of it. That's where most of the sodium is!
Wow. Way to make me tear up at my desk at work guys. Thanks.
Girl: "Josh! You have to be stronger! You have to hold back these aliens, just like ~.~.x.X.HiTmAn420.X.x.~.~ did 100 years ago!"
Man... I was hoping this article would be about Chakan The Forever Man. Great game. Impossible to beat.
Wow. What a closed minded and unconfirmed statement you make there! Proof? Also, recycling isn't about efficiency, it's about no having uncompostables shoved in the ground or into oceans.
Back at my (miserable) stint at EB, I helped Mr. Williams. Definitely tried to be incognito, but once he realized that I was just treating him like a normal customer, he really opened up and was quite the friendly fellow.
Ween-La Cucaracha. Very good album
Cindy is a cutie
Mike, between the last line of this, the cat and the dildo, you are on FIRE today! Keep 'em coming!
I would imagine it's Bluetooth and no IR.
Well there's your stupid closed minded answer. You're only thinking of hardcore gamers as FPS people, when in fact FPS games usually attract a lot of casual gamers, COD, Halo, GoW, etc.
Ah Dr. Detroit. There was not a film I watched more in high school than this... Except maybe Tank Girl. Both of which had songs by Devo in them. Nothing beats college professor turned pimp. Amazing movie.
Time has flown back... TO THE FUTURE!
8.25% base tax in California. Counties can upcharge that to however much they'd like. San Francisco county has a 9.5% tax, with places like Alamed and parts of Los Angeles county coming in at 10.25%.