
Every ride you take
Every choice you make
Every ride record you break
Every poop you take
We’ll be watching you

I’m (still) guessing Maz found a lot more than a lightsaber on Bespin - she found the hand too... so Rey is a clone of Luke.

Then for “reasons” they made clone female, Kylo found out when training w/ Luke and young Rey, being twisted by Snoke - sought to destroy this “abomination” - also competition for legacy of Darth

Because our citizenry and government has a fundamental inability to motivate moderates to go to the polls, resulting in literally nothing but the most extreme left and right sides of the political spectrum largely making up the voting electorate. There are far more ‘extreme conservatives’ than there are ‘extreme

Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.

I read an article yesterday about cross-gender casting (specifically regarding the Spicer sketch, but it gave a nice little rundown of how men-dressed-as-women is a go-to for yuks), which rightly pointed out that there’s an extra bite to the rabid press monkey being portrayed by a woman. I love it. I wallow in how

It sounds like a waiting area in a Scandinavian airport.

I think you missed my point...

Hi, I’m tekkblade128 and I couldn’t be bothered to read the article that provided details about exactly what would (or more precisely, would not) happen. Nothing in the article even mentioned employment reduction in and of itself as being relevant but I can certainly use that as a reason to dismiss people’s concerns.


It’s a department that, by law, can’t do ANYTHING without those 2 people.

Yes, who needs leadership? Good take.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.