Ryan Gregson

Only in game of thrones can two named characters die, and people still complain of nothing happening.

For the moment

I feel like we all need to agree that Ledger's Joker is not the definitive Joker. His was an excellent original take of a joker character, but he did not embody the platonic idea of Joker. Yeah? I'm more willing to accept Mark Hamill's. May or may not be a better character, but it was more The Joker.

I'd say his is a fantastic original take on the Joker, but not the definitive. humble opinion.

have to admit, if anyone other than Warburton could pull it off, I think Serafinowtiz(sp?) is a great choice.

oh dear god that is the worst story. (the Elisa Lam story, not your story.)

They probably spent most of their budget licensing that papyrus font.

I don't think that's doctrine, brother Hyde.

I would argue that a story is just a vessel to explore characters, and that's where Avatar fails. What are the two main character's personality traits? normal? they were normal, generally good natured I guess.

You forgot badass soldier girl

To be fair it was also a lazy rehash of Fern Gully

I think there was a scene where a guy jumped from a ship onto a pterodactyl thing. That sounds probable. That was cool I guess.

Ha, maybe.

They have bones made of unobtainium.

There's a crowd for everything in this day and age. That being said, no, I don't anyone at all is clamoring for this.

She just isn't into Jorah dudes.

At least for another 3 episodes. Maybe 5.


Some people just want to watch zombie Mountain destroy the world. (me, I do).

Also that bath that was supposed to be waaay too hot. she was fine.