Only in game of thrones can two named characters die, and people still complain of nothing happening.
Only in game of thrones can two named characters die, and people still complain of nothing happening.
For the moment
I feel like we all need to agree that Ledger's Joker is not the definitive Joker. His was an excellent original take of a joker character, but he did not embody the platonic idea of Joker. Yeah? I'm more willing to accept Mark Hamill's. May or may not be a better character, but it was more The Joker.
I'd say his is a fantastic original take on the Joker, but not the definitive. humble opinion.
have to admit, if anyone other than Warburton could pull it off, I think Serafinowtiz(sp?) is a great choice.
oh dear god that is the worst story. (the Elisa Lam story, not your story.)
They probably spent most of their budget licensing that papyrus font.
I don't think that's doctrine, brother Hyde.
I would argue that a story is just a vessel to explore characters, and that's where Avatar fails. What are the two main character's personality traits? normal? they were normal, generally good natured I guess.
You forgot badass soldier girl
To be fair it was also a lazy rehash of Fern Gully
I think there was a scene where a guy jumped from a ship onto a pterodactyl thing. That sounds probable. That was cool I guess.
Ha, maybe.
They have bones made of unobtainium.
There's a crowd for everything in this day and age. That being said, no, I don't anyone at all is clamoring for this.
She just isn't into Jorah dudes.
At least for another 3 episodes. Maybe 5.
Some people just want to watch zombie Mountain destroy the world. (me, I do).
Also that bath that was supposed to be waaay too hot. she was fine.