Ryan Gregson

I would have still enjoyed it, but yes I did appreciate the effort to create a believable and accurate environment. I guess I didn't find the authenticity 'hammered home' so to speak. All the attention to detail only enhanced the setting, because of the detail I trusted the film that this was a real time and place,

I guess I simply didn't find I needed any of these questions answered, especially when it comes to explaining where the witches came from or how they get their power or whatever. These are questions that are best suited for Science Fiction, not horror. As far as why it's set in 17th century New England, I don't

I'm actually quite glad they didn't bother with explaining all the Why's.
In my opinion that actually would have damaged the inherent suspense by way of mystery, and also would have left it feeling like so many other horror movies that start with '20 years ago…' or whatever. I found it to be one beautiful contained

Is every film set in a historical setting obligated to unpack the social shortcomings of their time?
No, of course not. The attention given to historical accuracy is for building the setting and atmosphere, it transports you to a different time and place. If they actually had attempted to work in some explanation or

Except for when it is about sex.

fuck that guy

X is the devil's letter.


That's kind of a sweet story in a weird unfortunate Olive Garden eating kind of way.

What a time to slowly die.

"eight-cheese lobster-stuffed rigatoni poppers" I know you're joking, but please don't be joking???

There are dozens of us! DOZENS!

I'm sad at myself for not having seen that before.

" I'm a hideous, misanthropic troll " I might have to use that for my tinder bio if I sign up.

If only

I just hate falling to my death all the time.

Hell no! I have to go pick up some pasta salad though. Should probably do that right now in fact.

probably still the best. I miss playing that with my friend over dial up.

The gutter was the worst.

Solid 6/10 so far. Office potluck, decent hair day, and TI.