Ryan Goldstein

That's not entirely true. I'm a Google Apps for Business administrator, so I am the customer - paying $50/user/year. Their email and phone support is actually quite responsive (even if the response is "I've sent your suggestion to our engineers for consideration.")

Looks like a decent alternative/competitor to Facebook. I'll be trying this out... as soon as Google decides to support Profiles on Google Apps accounts. They promised to do so back in March "within the next few weeks". Now it's almost July, and still no Profiles love for Google Apps users...

Why don't you guys bring back the option to enable email notifications? They worked great before the redesign, and they have been conspicuously absent since then.

It's always more logical to pay off high interest debt first; that will lower the total amount you'll have to pay in the long run, and you'll be able to be debt-free sooner.

FYI, imo.im has had Skype support for a while. The new feature specifically added support for group chat.

Paypal verifies accounts by depositing small amounts, not withdrawing. At least that's how it worked when I verified my account. So you gain a small amount of money, not lose it.

This article makes broad, sweeping generalizations about higher education, most of which are false, in my experience.

That's probably means you're constantly sleep-deprived and have associated excessive sleep debt. Try getting more sleep each night. ;)

I took a class taught by the Penn PI cited in this article, Dr. David Dinges, called "Human Chronobiology and Sleep". I also worked part-time for a company for which he was a consultant while I was a student. He's brilliant, truly one of the world's top authorities on sleep, with an extremely impressive, 112 page CV: [

It seems counterintuitive to add something else to your already busy schedule, but making some time for the gym (especially aerobic exercise) really helps. The endorphin release helps make things feel more manageable, and it results in a generally better attitude and feeling of well-being.

You can email support@lastpass.com (ideally from your account address) - their support team is pretty helpful.

I wish there was a way to bounce email in Gmail. They really should make a Labs feature for that!

(I wanted to just approve this comment/commenter so non-starred commenters can see it, but the promote button isn't working, so I have to reply to it to promote it...)

Thanks for the great article! For the payment gateway, I suggest using [checkout.google.com] - 1.9% to 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction, with no monthly, gateway, or setup fees.

Happy to help. Have a great weekend! :)

Agreed; I just think it's important for users to know that they don't have to worry about files they deleted over 30 days ago.

All Dropbox users should go to [www.dropbox.com] and apply all their available votes to this feature. This is what Dropbox should have done from the outset. With client-side encryption, no one would be able to access files without the user's own password.

If I'm not mistaken, this happens automatically after 30 days (for regular free accounts). Maybe the article should be updated to mention this.

Pretty cool - good luck with this!

The change in their TOS doesn't change their requirements to comply with court orders and other valid legal requests. What it does, though, is emphasize that they do, in fact, have the capability to decrypt user files, which they have never confirmed in the past (and they even have pretty misleading