
Governments that try to control the internet are..... SOPAthetic.

I think it's more of what's capable today, with more budget cuts happening, it's great that they can do something like this. Where as putting more satellites in orbit would require money that governments are unwilling to give.

Like Thunderbird 2, for awesomeness. Otherwise it could do something like a C-130 with a loading ramp from underneath.

From wiki: "A clean flying wing is theoretically the most aerodynamically efficient (lowest drag) design configuration for a fixed wing aircraft. It also offers high structural efficiency for a given wing depth, leading to light weight and high fuel efficiency."

In the middle section. Although in the above image it looks small, it would probably be huge. Especially since the "model" would have been as big as a 737.

"It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for protection and use their services. It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today. It's a dangerous and troubling development when the MPAA serves out mass copyright infringement letters to

From Venezuela, Haiti Earthquake: must be the US.

The bickering will stop whenever someone like me or you, someone who actually knows what real life is like, sits down in that mighty chair, and just doesn't give a fuck who does what, except run our own countries. Assuming they aren't run into the ground by then.

Let's see where they stand on this, since it seems quite a few commentors do support Gawker network going down for a day.

Yes! We all have ginger hair, are three foot tall, live in thatched cottages and our only food is potatoes.

Even at all that, you would still lose it down the side of the sofa.

The other type that really gets me is people complaining because they see no benefit in any research at all. The usual "why do I care if they [Insert amazing technology/discovery here] when they can't make my tv remote levitate." Though I guess that could fall under the, "nobody should be paid to study that"

I think the OPEN act link is broken, unless we have to log into the U.S. House of Representatives OWA...

It says it requires a constant connection for multiplayer, no mention of singleplayer though (other than the activation).

How bizarre would that be?

Never heard about that. It's pretty sad considering IGN was the first gaming site I visited on a semi-regular basis, but I stopped going there around the time Halo 3 came out, which would probably be when I found this site.

Hey, I found an image of the samsung galaxy tab prototype!

The commenters are part of the reason why I am here. Comments are part of the reason I don't visit other websites as well.

It was Gizmodo, the link was gizmodo.com/gadgets/not:iphone but it's been removed now.

What!? What is this doing in my games only feed! How dare you! I clicked on this!