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    I think you’re conflating sex and gender. Gender is a fluid dynamic 3d scale, sex is generally binary and controlled by specific genes.

    You’re doing the same thing everyone does when they don’t understand what they’re talking about in regards to gender identity, you’re conflating gender and sex. Gender is a social construct. Sex is biological.

    The best gyro I’ve ever eaten comes from a gas station. A small group of Lebanese immigrants opened up a gas station that also has a small kitchen in it and sling some of the best gyros you could want. I’ve had gyros all over the world, but that place still tops the charts.

    The box I normally snag when feeling brownies is on sale for 88 cents this weekend. Claire, how many boxes do I buy?

    Rovell later in a thread makes the claim that it shouldn’t be it’s own line item, just like electricity isn’t it’s own line item. He’s not complaining about the actual cost, merely that it’s broken out into it’s own item. Yes Rovell can be annoying and such a chud but he’s not wrong here.

    Dude, I’m sorry to say this, but your blind hatred of Rovell is muddling your view. I think the guy often puts out drivel but this was a correct take. He later in a thread said that things like electricity aren’t put on their own line item, so why is health care. He’s not complaining about the 1.68, he’s complaining

    Also, salt isn’t inherently bad for the vast majority of people. The original studies that vilified salt were hilariously bad. Feeding a rat 5+ grams of salt is obviously going to be bad for it! Most studies that have corroborated have been meta studies and even those have issues and faults. Yes, you’re not supposed

    If you say you’re not exclusive, and then confirm you’re not seeing anyone else, that doesn’t then mean you’re exclusive with the person you’re talking to unless you specifically counter what you just said about not being exclusive. Her then later going out on some dates is none of his business and frankly she didn’t

    I guarantee LW1 failed basic communication with this girl and she’s just confused. He blows her off but keeps showing up to her work, how is that not mixed signals?

    To give you an actual response, juicy lucys are a Minneapolis invention that you won’t want to miss. It’s basically an inverted cheeseburger. Sounds not that impressive but molten cheese mixed with hamburger drippings is to die for.

    Not my problem. If you’re waitstaff, you know what kind of job you’re getting yourself into, and you know what comes with the territory. You don’t get a free pass to be a douche. Federal law protects you to getting a base minimum wage if your tips don’t cover the difference between hourly pay and minimum wage. If you

    I'll only require 1.5 million for my new reality cooking show on fox.

    4 teams have a differential of +-200. Lol

    Quick pickling is one of the easiest things you can possibly learn to do in the kitchen and produces amazing results. You can control all the flavor and crunch level. If you can slice a cucumber (or any other veg), mix liquids, and boil water you can quick pickle.

    There’s a large difference between a white guy telling jokes about historically marginalized groups with the punch line being aimed at those groups, and a member of said marginalized group making a joke about their own group. Context matters for who can say what. I, a pasty-ass white guy, can NOT go around dropping

    I like to give people benefit of the doubt and think they’re saying could’ve and the ‘ve sounds a lot like of. Until they write that is...

    The beautiful thing about language evolving is that ‘proper’ grammar doesn’t really matter all that much if you’re understood by the masses. The house example is perfect, since “The house comprises seven rooms” sounds stupid and virtually no one speaks like that any more. So is it really correct?

    I think I’m shadowbanned on here... oh well.

     ehhh, I like lasagna!

    Markelle is that you?