Congrats on posting the most asinine arrangements of words on this day.
Congrats on posting the most asinine arrangements of words on this day.
I’d be more worried about their president deciding it was time for someone to die because they live in the Netherlands and there’s weed there.
I’m a Twolves fan... I wish we had 25 win seasons :(
It’s not so much the videos, it’s the little auto playing videos in every article that get me. I don’t mind as much as others, but it is mildly annoying.
I think the real take away is to wrap a towel around the jar before breaking it so everything stays contained. Then you can have all you want! Granted how that can be turned into a metaphor is beyond me.
That’s kind of like being pissed you get a DUI not because you drank too much and drove but the audacity that someone wrote a law against it.
Aaron paul, not ron paul. they did an “A-A-” prior to the ron part
Today’s builds are almost like playing with Lego. Thankfully everything is much much easier. That said, if you’re not confident and comfortable with spending the extra cash, then no worries! I highly recommend trying to do it yourself next time. Youtube can walk you through all steps and it’s only going to get easier…
Sadly it won’t retain the crunch. I’ve done something similar and the tortillas soften up a LOT, absorbing most of the liquid. It still tastes good though!
I generally hate 3D platformers and have been really enjoying this game so far. It helps that my wife and I can play together in couch co-op that doesn’t suck.
I have 300 hours in the game. I understand that there can be some bugs, but I’ve rarely encountered anything that was beyond mildly annoying. I really think ragging on it for being bug riddled is unfair especially since most bugs are minor or quality of life things. I’m not a fanboy, I’m just realistic. I knew what I…
Please inform me as to the multitude of bugs.
If you can handle a few bugs, it’s incredibly fun. Though you really have to enjoy the slightly simulation aspect of it. It’s not an arcade shooter, so expect a lot of growing pains and learning how each gun feels.
In the words of the internet... get good. Weapons don’t become spray and pray if you know how to use them and don’t just auto fire blindly. The game has a lot of simulation ancestry, which means guns aren’t like laser beams perfectly shooting exactly where you aim with no recoil or spray.
It runs fine for me, I honestly think people are either idiots and have configurations set incorrectly, or whining about not getting 200 fps. I have a 1060 and regularly push over 60fps (to me anything above 60 is gravy and not needed), rarely dropping to 50. I haven’t played on the new 1.0 patch yet though I only…
It helps to know that the author of the first letter is so full of shit that my joke arguments hold just as much water.
if you give -1 utility to 100 people (because let’s be honest, if you’re not being a creep and just are like hey you seem cool but are graceful in your rejection, then you’re not really giving them that much negativity) and give 1 person 1,000,000 utility because they become the love of your life and couldn’t be more…
Ethically you should be asking out everyone you see if we’re going to go down this path. If you make the assumption that some of them will be mildly off-put or uncomfortable then you have to make the assumption that at least 1 of those will love it so much that it completely blows away any negative emotions when…
We just got one a few weeks ago. It’s still smelly as hell and though we gave it days to rise, is about 20% smaller than the 12 inches we were supposed to get. I think that’s why it’s extremely firm, uncomfortably so.
We just got one a few weeks ago. It’s still smelly as hell and though we gave it days to rise, is about 20% smaller…
There is a line. Just because something is drawn doesn’t make it art and doesn’t make it immune to criticism and examination. Sexualized children cross that line.