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    Why do you keep fully capitalizing like some guy on a finance channel who’s trying to sell stocks?

    Claire, I need ideas that aren’t turkey. I’m thinking of trying this ham recipe for friendsgiving, but it might be too simple. Last year I did a porkbelly roulade which feels hard to top.

    Ahh yes the singular of data IS anecdote after-all.

    When did anyone bring political leanings into it? What the fuck crawled up your ass?

    Claire, regardless of if you ever actually write about it, you should make yourself this sometime (can free version).

    I think I’ve seen maybe 3 traveling calls in the NBA in the last 5 years. I don’t watch nor go to games often - maybe 10 a year combined - but I don’t think my experience is unique.

    Still doing web dev at my current place. I like it here for the most part, but couldn’t turn down amazon if I had the chance.


    Having surgery or an injury that prevents you from lifting more than 10 lbs would qualify as physically infirm. That’s basically what infirm means, weakness through age or injury.

    Couple of questions...

    I interviewed to be a software engineer on this team. Sadly I didn’t make the cut (15 of us vying for 1-2 positions) and don’t get to work for them. From how they described the work it would have been pretty interesting on the back end technically, especially with all the different jurisdictions having different rules

    I wish every single recipe also listed approximate weight in grams (and exact for baking).

    Fuck that. You don’t get a pat on the back for half-assing a pathetic attempt at an apology. It’s not an apology if it’s not heartfelt.

    Maybe, just maybe if he didn’t allow for a witch hunt, falsely accusing someone due to his own mistake, and then shrug it off as not his fault for fucking up, then you’d have a leg to stand on. HOWEVER, fuck shroud in this instance. You can’t sic your little fan base on someone and then give a half-assed attempt at an

    So then do what any rational consumer would do, and don’t shop there. This is such a non issue.

    At first I thought this was Aaron Gleeman, who’s got a pretty solid podcast and is on the radio every now and again in the Twin Cities. I thought it was so out of character for him, thinking surely this must be satire. Thank god I simply misread the name and can go back to feeling superior to this Gleason douche.

    I don’t know forza very well (or at all), but how did those differ from other DLC that was included?

    I see that as an entirely different issue. It also highly depends on which type of game you’re playing. I still play some single player games from ages ago.

    Your analogy is wrong. You’d be asked to pay extra for a different colored / patterned cup. You’d still get the exact same coffee as the next guy, but you’d get to show off your fancy cup.

    What was the additional content?