Rarely do people actually buy those gold boxes the majority of the time. You might see some sales, but not that many.
Rarely do people actually buy those gold boxes the majority of the time. You might see some sales, but not that many.
That’s why they mentioned a hard cap. Eventually you can’t have the larger markets paying consistent top dollars, they’ll hit their cap and be forced to offer less. It would take a few years to even out, but eventually you’d see a landscape where a top talent would choose Utah because they can offer serious cash that…
This article is trash. A team is surging, doing well lately, on a tear scoring runs... and all you can do is whine about the Yankees potentially losing a coin flip? Fuck you and your New York shit.
Your advice just sounds sad. “just never know what amazing things you’re missing out on, only make yourself have sadness in life so you can live an extra 3 days of sadness”. (Obviously I’m kidding, but there’s a hint of truth there.)
Why? It’s not like it’s that much healthier. Just don’t eat the whole cake in one sitting and you’re golden. I’d rather have a slightly smaller piece of tasty cake vs a larger piece of flax cake. I’d probably rather eat poo to be honest.
If you do be prepared to pay some under reporting fees. You can get dinged if you paid in substantially too little through the year.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It’s really not that transformative though. There is a threshold for this sort of thing. Playing through an RPG and saying “oh but i named my character x” isn’t really transformative. Neither is doing funny voices or shouting like a fucking idiot. Most people’s let’s plays are going to be very similar and not really…
How many times does a person very publicly do an say racist things before they’re a racist? I think PDP is a douchebag racist because he’s gone over my personal threshold for “hey I’m going to have to apologize here, I know better but oops, I said racist shit” apologies. Words do mean something, and I fully mean what…
Yeah racism is so politically charged! How dare they propagandize against racism!?!?
I talked my wife into serving pig face at friendsgiving. though I have to wait 10 years. Apparently we need to up the game a little each year as to not scare off our guests. I guess pig face isn’t appetizing to everyone.
lol, no it’s not. If your potential allergy would get worse the triggers can be extremely sensitive and life threatening. Ignorance could be fatal.
I don’t blame you for not knowing the others, but pewdiepie was on Conan, so I assumed everyone and their mothers have at least heard of them. Plus if you visit this site, there were weeks when it was an article a day or more about him and his actions.
“could be overblown” “I don’t play the game”. Excuse me though while I get up on my soapbox and condemn things I don’t understand!
The issue is that the end goal of the game is to be the last to survive, which incentivizes avoiding fights if they’re not in your favor. There have been plenty of times when i just don’t get the quality gear that I need, so I avoid every fight until the end and try to get the drop on someone. That style of play…
So then don’t buy outrageously large packages? There are these things called butcher shops where they sell to you items in whichever quantity you’d like!
I’m sorry for your loss.
I asked my wife if we could cook pig face for friendsgiving. She said no :( That video you made looked so damn appetizing!
Legitimate professional marketing costs money. Stop being fucking stupid.
If you’ve never heard of Pewdiepie and the drama surrounding his actions then you live under a rock.