Ryan C

No comments on how Halo has gone on for too long? how they're practically dragging the franchise to the finish line through the mud on a wet day? lol. Surprised. LETS GO CHIEF!

This is how Tony Stark plays WoW.

This is a little silly, but I *just* did a grad paper on Valve's flat hierarchy. They truly dont see this as out of the ordinary - literally there are no official positions at Valve, which means Gabe is just as much a help technician as he is a designer, coder, or anything else. You'd be amazed the crazy stories at

Keep the Destiny content coming! (Not at the expense of other, more current games though) The clicks the articles get doesn't lie. Wether it is a positive comment or a negative comment, they are still clicking on the article and supposedly reading it... So keep em coming!! I know all the fans of the game, who actually

Half Life 3 CONFIRMED.

Good work, everyone! And thank you to anyone that read this post in Farnsworth's voice.