
"Escape from Spiderhead" was in the New Yorker ~7-8 years ago. If Diaz submitted "Monstro" (which is amazing), that was in the New Yorker's Summer Reading issue 2 years ago (and I was hoping he was stretching that out into a book, so now I'm not so sure).

Tell me, summer child. How do you expect to survive the winter?

With the subtitle "You want a toe?" no less.

That’s not good for your enamel, dude.

Some people try to play third base

That sound you hear is thousands of Virginia fans sighing with relief.

Prime 3 was only my second favorite in the series, but the sense of identification with Samus was so strong with the Wii controls (especially with advanced controls turned on) that I had night after night of dreaming that I was Samus during the time that I was playing the game.

They did! You have to turn on the advanced motion controls. Then you keep it pointed vaguely at the center of the screen and moving it away acts like an analog stick.

I felt like Prime 2 hit a wall in the Torvus Bogs (screw it—the game gets bogged down there). The color scheme is relentlessly dreary, and the level design isn’t particularly exciting either. It picks up immensely once you get to the Sanctuary Fortress, since we’d never seen an environment like that, shiny and chrome,

She’s also been known to declare emphatically that the map is the territory.

My grandmother had a cat whom she drove from central Mass. to Cape Cod every couple of weeks. The cat would jump on the shelf behind the rear seats and bask in the sun for the whole drive and then, when we got to the Cape, she’d hop out of the car and wait by the door of the house until we unlocked it and let her in.

You used to lose it in the playoffs
Couldn’t make it to the conference game
Lose it in the playoffs
Couldn’t make it past the conference game
Now you’ve got that nouveau ring
Sadly that just means one thing

...To seek out new drifts and blizzard conditions
To boldly snow where no storm has snowed before...

Definitely had flashbacks to the 2005 super bowl, where even as a Pats fan I was yelling, “Where the hell is the hurry-up, Eagles!”

You left out Galaxy Quest, which falls between Voyage Home and First Contact. I can’t remember where I read it, but if you count Galaxy Quest as a Trek movie, the odds-evens rule still applies, since it came out between Insurrection and Nemesis.

I'd rather he just keep working on TRUE stories in Minnesota, honestly.

This team is just. good. enough. to devastate us when we inevitably lose.

As long as there’s no Up with People, I can get behind that.

This is super ideal for cyclists, too—greatly simplifies when I’m checking roads to figure out how safe they are for bikes.